“Israel Is Satan’s Offspring,” Palestinian Authority Official Says In Anti-Semitic TV Broadcast
February 19, 2004

NEW YORK- The Palestinian Authority’s official television station has again broadcast a program containing blatant anti-Semitism.

Palestinian Media Watch reports that on February 6, 2004, PA Television broadcast an interview with Ahmad Nasser, Secretary of the Palestinian Authority’s Legislative Council, in which he said:

“Israel was established on the basis of theft. Israel, the State of Israel, is the Satan’s offspring, a Satanic offspring. Israel was founded on theft from the first moment. It was founded on the basis of robbery, terror, killing, torture, assassination, death, stealing land and killing people. On this basis, Israel was founded and will continue this way, never able to exist because its [Israel’s] birth was unnatural, a Satanic offspring, and cannot exist among human beings… . Only in this way can Israel exist. It is not capable of existing naturally as other nations in the world.”

Commenting on Israel’s release of 400 imprisoned Arab terrorists in exchange for one Israeli prisoner, Nasser said: “We see that Israel is trying to delude the world, and delude the Arabs and the Palestinians psychologically—that one Israeli will be exchanged for a thousand Palestinians. Meaning—Israel is interested in planting among the Palestinian, the Arab or the world the concept of value – the value of a Jew and the value of an Arab. But it is not true…”

The interviewer then interjected: “This concept appears in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that they [the Jews] are at a high level [of existence] and the rest are at a low level.”

Nasser replied: “[Israel] does all it can to take as many prisoners of war as it can, for example, 10,000 Arab prisoners in exchange for the release of a hundred [Israeli] prisoners of war. By this, Israel is trying to put a value on an Arab and a value on an Israeli or Jew … Israel is an aggressive country, a racist country, an ideologically hostile country, which hates all the goyim, all the foreigners. Israel is a Satanic offspring.”

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a notorious 19th-century anti-Semitic forgery manufactured by the Czarist Russian authorities to “expose” a secret Jewish plot to conquer the world.

Morton A. Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), said: “The PA’s continual broadcast of such blatant anti-Semitism shows once again that the Palestinian Arab war against Israel is not just a battle over land, but is motivated by hatred of Jews as Jews.”

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