ZOA Chapters

ZOA Chapters

To open a chapter in your city, you will need to have at least 25 current ZOA members supporting the chapter; the process also requires an interview and approval by ZOA’s Board of Trustees. To inquire about the process, please call our main office at 212-481-1500.

For further information about ZOA Chapters, you can email ZOA National Executive Director Alan Jay.





ZOA Campus

ZOA Campus is active in more than 40 states and has a presence at most major colleges and universities, and is continuing to diversify its audience and expand to more locations. ZOA’s Campus Coordinators and 30 Campus Fellows now work with almost 150 student and campus organizations across the country. Visit www.campus.zoa.org.

For more information, contact Director of ZOA Campus & New England Campus Coordinator Jonathan Ginsburg at [email protected].