94% Of Gaza Jews Sign Petition Rejecting Offer Of Money To Get Them To Move Out
June 15, 2004

NEW YORK- In response to reports that cash payments will be offered to Jewish residents of Gaza to encourage them to move out, 94% of the almost 8,000 Jews living in Gush Katif, the main bloc of Gaza Jewish neighborhoods, have signed a petition rejecting such offers, according to Israeli media reports.

Morton A. Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), said: “The idealism of the Jewish residents of Gaza is inspiring. In an age of cynicism, materialism, and selfishness, these pioneers are fulfilling the ancient Zionist dream of living in the Land of Israel. In the spirit of the early-twentieth century Zionist pioneers who made the establishment of the State of Israel possible, today’s pioneers safeguard Israel’s frontiers and help give meaning and purpose to the lives of an entire generation of young Jews.”

In other important Gaza-related developments:

Hamas leader Mahmoud A-Zahar told reporters on June 12, 2004 that despite Israel’s offer to withdraw from Gaza, “We will not stop our attacks until the occupation is totally ended.” (Arutz 7, June 13, 2004) Hamas regards all of Israel not just Judea, Samaria, and Gaza as “occupied Palestine.” A-Zahar previously told the BBC, on May 22, 2003, “I’m telling you frankly, the attitude of Islam is not to accept a foreign state in this area… This is the attitude of thousands and millions of [Moslems].”

The Jerusalem Post reports (June 12, 2004) that Yasir Arafat has invited the Fatah “Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade” terrorists to become part of the official Palestinian Authority security forces, which are supposed to serve as the anti-terrorist police force in Gaza if Israel retreats. The group has more than 5,000 members in the Gaza Strip.

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