Abbas: I Will Release Killer Of Israeli Minister And Leader Of Karine-A Weapons Ship Affair
March 15, 2005

New York – Mahmoud Abbas, Holocaust Denier and chief of the Palestinian Authority (PA), announced today that he plans to release Ahmed Saadat and Fuad Shubaki. (Israel National News, March 15, 2005) Saadat is secretary-general of the PFLP and is responsible for the murder of Rehavam Ze’evi, an Israeli Minister and IDF General. Shubaki led the infamous Karin-A weapons ship incident in early 2002. This was a ship loaded with heavy weapons from Iran headed for the PA territories apparently to use against Israel.

Abbas told Reuters that Israel agreed to their release. Israel officials said just the opposite is true — that the agreement calls for the two to remain in prison under joint American-British supervision.

Palmach Ze’evi, son of Rehavam, said,”We see what kind of guy we’re dealing with, Abbas is supposedly committed to the agreements, and yet even at this early stage he makes announcements in violation of them.”

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein said, “We are appalled by Abbas’ anti-peace action of trying to release killers of Jews and people who supply arms to killers of Jews.

“If Abbas was truly interested in peace he wouldn’t wish to have killers who could disrupt the peace negotiations be free. He also wouldn’t want to send a message that killing innocents and ministers of Israel is not that serious. He should be announcing that killers and terrorists will never be released — that terrorism will be punished in the most severe manner. Would Israel ever release a Jewish killer of a Palestinian Minister?

“But should we expect any different from a man who was Arafat’s deputy for 40 years and co-founded the terror group Fatah, who recently called for “big Jihad” against Israel and called Arab terrorists “freedom fighters.” In Time Magazine last week, he blamed Israel for the suicide bombings and welcomed Hamas into his government. That’s like President Bush welcoming Saddam supporters into the new Iraqi government.

“President Bush should immediately abrogate the plan to give Abbas $350M in U.S. taxpayers dollars until Abbas dismantles and disarms the terror groups, arrests terrorists, closes the bomb factories and ends all incitement against Israel.”

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