Two Knesset Members Submit Bill To Postpone Gaza Plan: Israeli General Says Government Not Ready For Pullout
June 10, 2005

New York – National Security Adviser General Giora Eiland said this week that the Israeli Government is unprepared for the Gaza/Northern Samaria (Gaza/NSamr) Evacuation Plan, “The impression of disorder that has been created is weakening the government and strengthening the Plan’s opponents.” (Jerusalem Post, 6/8/05)

Jewish farmers from Gaza said they also feared that after weeks of talking, the Israeli government had no answers for them about farming alternatives outside Gaza.

Eiland added that the government had been put into a lose-lose situation over the question of temporary homes for the Gaza/NSamr Jews. He said either the government could risk building homes that might never be inhabited, or it could enter into endless negotiations with the Gaza/Samaria Jews in which no solution was apparent.

Jewish Gaza spokesman Eran Sternberg said that Eiland’s remarks were proof that the Gaza/NSamr evacuation Plan would not be implemented and was a testament to the “depth of the chaos.”

In response to these concerns and to “defective planning,” Israeli Knesset member Yitzhak Levy submitted a bill requiring postponement of the Plan until February 2. Levy added that the predictions of Arab terrorism after the pullout required a delay in order to prepare for a new security assessment.

Knesset Member Zevulun Orlev said he would also submit a bill to require a one-year postponement in the implementation of the Plan. He also said the timetable set was too tight and does not allow enough time for Gaza/NSamr Jews to find jobs. Sinai settlers were given 2 years to prepare for their evacuation, Orlev added. Knesset Member Uri Ariel said that Sharon was in a “crazy rush to carry out a crazy goal that has no logic and no thought.”

Wednesday night on Israel’s Channel Two early evening “News Room” program, there was a discussion about the Gaza/NSamr Plan by 2 prominent and experienced correspondents. Channel Two’s political correspondent Rina Matzliach and Israel Army Radio’s Rayi Barkai. Barkai said that “the disengagement won’t take place.” Matzliach responded, “I’ve been thinking this for a while.”

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