Fatah’s Record
The Jewish Week (08/31/2007)
By Morton A. Klein
By Morton A. Klein
You write that many Israelis who favored the disÂengagement now believe that it was a mistake to have made the move unilaterally, without any involvement of or support from the Palestinian Authority (Editorial, One And Two Years Later, July 27)
That may be so, but more to the point is the fact that any further concessions to the Palestinian Authority (PA), whether coordinated with it or not, would be a mistake that would yet again cost Israel dearly.
To this day, Fatahs constitution labels Zionism racÂism (Article 7) and calls for the destruction of Israel (Article 12) and the use of terrorism as an indispensÂable part of the struggle to achieve that goal (Article 19), In case anyone had doubts, Abbas confirmed on Oct. 3 last year in an Al-Arabiya (Dubai) television interview that, It is not required of Hamas, or of Fatah
to recognize Israel.
Abbas staunchly supports to this day the right of return, a legally baseless claim for the inundation of Israel with Palestinian refugees and their millions of descendants, which is obviously incompatible with Israels continued existence. He has refused to impleÂment signed Palestinian commitments to fight, arrest, extradite and jail terrorists and end the incitement to hatred and murder in the Palestinian Authority-conÂtrolled media; mosques, schools and youth camps that feed it. Indeed, Fatah has murdered some 500 Israelis in the past seven years, about the sane number killed by Hamas.
For these reasons, it is pointless to expect that AbÂbas and Fatah will conclude a genuine peace agreement with Israel.
Morton A. Klein
National President
Zionist Organization of America
The Zionist Organization of America, founded in 1897, is the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations, educates the American public and Congress about the dangers that Israel faces, and combats anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses. Its past presidents have included Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and Rabbi Dr. Abba Hillel Silver.
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