ACTION ALERT: Protest Anti-Semitic “Int’l Day of Action” on College Campuses
Action Alerts Campus
September 19, 2014

The founder of the anti-Semitic hate group “Students for Justice in Palestine” 

has called for an 

“International Day of Action on College Campuses” 


The following is what Hatem Bazian – the founder of “Students for Justice in Palestine” who has called for the murder of Jews –posted on Facebook:


 This “Day of Action” calls for “massive protests” on college campuses worldwide – which will be disruptive and potentially violent and dangerous – and for “civil disobedience,” i.e., breaking the law.  Please let university officials know that you expect them to keep our campuses safe and free from anti-Semitic harassment.  Write to the colleges and universities in your area, and to the colleges and universities you and your family members have attended.  Feel free to use the sample letter below:



Dear [University Presidents]:


I am deeply concerned about a call for “massive protests on every college and university campus,” issued by Hatem Bazian – who has called for the murder of Jews (as reported in Steve Emerson’s American Jihad, The Terrorists Living Among Us) and is the founder of the anti-Semitic hate group that calls itself “Students for Justice in Palestine” (SJP). The goal of this so-called “International Day of Action” – scheduled for September 23, 2014 – is allegedly to “free Palestine and end the siege on Gaza.” But I firmly believe that instead, these protests will be disruptive to the campus and potentially unlawful, violent and dangerous. I urge you to take steps, in advance, to ensure that no one on your campus is subjected to harassment or intimidation, and that these protests do not interfere with the civil rights and freedoms of the members of the campus community.


In addition to promoting the SJP’s usual hateful agenda to boycott, divest from and sanction the Jewish State of Israel, this “Day of Action” specifically calls for “civil disobedience” – in other words, the deliberate violation of the law, threatening public safety and potentially leading to physical injuries and property damage. The “Day of Action” also intends to impose a host of other restrictions that violate academic freedom, free speech, and other fundamental personal freedoms, including: (1) preventing U.S. educators from working with academics and academic institutions in Israel; (2) ending “study abroad” programs in Israel; (3) blocking university presidents from visiting Israel; and (4) preventing universities from communicating with Jewish groups and representatives of the Israeli government.


Notably, none of these activities focuses on the human rights atrocities occurring in Syria or Iraq, for example. They target the one and only Jewish state in the world, with charges that are demonizing and false. This is anti-Semitism, plain and simple.


Please do not tolerate anti-Semitism on your campus. For the protection of your campus community, it is imperative that you take the following steps, in advance of these massive protests and disruptions planned for September 23rd:


1.  Publicly condemn this so-called “Day of Action” as hateful and anti-Semitic, and make it clear that harassment, intimidation and the interference with civil rights and freedoms will not be tolerated;


2. Make it clear that violators of the law and/or of university rules and policies will be held fully accountable and punished.


3. Augment security to keep the university community safe.


Every student deserves a campus that is physically and emotionally safe and conducive to learning. Jewish students have the right to a safe and non-hostile learning environment under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.  Please exercise your legal and moral obligation to uphold and protect this right on your campus.   






Center for Law & Justice
We work to educate the American public and Congress about legal issues in order to advance the interests of Israel and the Jewish people.
We assist American victims of terrorism in vindicating their rights under the law, and seek to hold terrorists and sponsors of terrorism accountable for their actions.
We fight anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses.
We strive to enforce existing law and also to create new law in order to safeguard the rights of the Jewish people in the United States and Israel.