JPost: ZOA Shows Majority 340 Pro-Iran Deal Rabbis from J St & Other Israel-Hostile Groups
ZOA in the news
August 19, 2015

The American rabbis who sent a letter to Congressmen urging that they support the Iranian nuclear deal include a large number who are affiliated with left-wing organizations that often act against the Israeli consensus, a study by the right-wing Zionist Organization of America found Wednesday.

The letter was signed by 340 rabbis from all streams of Judaism and sent to all Members of Congress urging them to vote in favor of the agreement between the international community and Iran on the Iranian nuclear program.

The ZOA analysis found that many of the rabbis are connected to J Street, Jewish Voices for Peace, and Rabbis for Human Rights – groups that the ZOA says routinely take positions and engage in activities that are hostile towards Israel and inimical to American interests.

“The 340 Rabbis for the Iran Deal are a small fringe group,” the ZOA said in a statement. “There are more than 5000 Rabbis in the United States. In other words, 94% of American Rabbis did not sign the statement supporting the Iran deal.”

The ZOA said the progressive Labor Zionist organization Ameinu that promoted the letter was closely tied to J Street.

The ZOA said the progressive Labor Zionist organization Ameinu that promoted the letter was closely tied to J Street.

“Ameinu appears to be serving as a front group for J Street here, because J Street has been so discredited,” the ZOA statement said, noting that Ameinu national president Kenneth Bob and other Ameinu leaders have active rolls in J Street.

ZOA’s comparison of the names of the 340 rabbis who signed the letter with lists published on the websites of groups deemed by ZOA as hostile found that 187, the majority, were members of the J Street Rabbinic Cabinet, 12 are members of the J Street Rabbinic Cabinet Executive Council, 13 are significant donors to Rabbis for Human Rights.

The ZOA singled out a homosexual rabbi on the list, saying that she should be the first to condemn Iran’s horrendous human rights record that includes Iran’s brutal executions of hundreds of innocent individuals for the sole reason that they are gay.

“The Rabbis signing the Ameinu letter do not in any way represent the viewpoint of American Rabbis,” ZOA President Morton A. Klein said. “To only be able to get six percent of US rabbis to sign this statement supporting the catastrophic Iran deal clearly indicates that rabbinic leaders are deeply concerned about the Iran nuclear deal.”

The ZOA pointed out an Israel Project poll that shows that American Jews oppose the Iran deal by a two to one margin.”

“Almost every major Jewish and pro-Israel group strongly opposes this disastrous Iran deal,” Klein said.

This article was published by JPost and may be found here.

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