Amb. Nikki Haley: Biden ‘Snubbing Israel’ While ‘Cozying Up to Enemies Like Iran’
News Press Release
February 10, 2021

This is truly dangerous.” So said former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley when asked about the Biden administration’s efforts to reenter the Iran nuclear deal during a Fox News interview on Wednesday.

She told Fox News Primetime host Trey Gowdy that Biden plans “to lift all the sanctions that we put on Iran,” adding that those sanctions weakened Iran and stopped it from funding terrorists.

It also “weakened their economy so much that they’ve got the Iranian people demonstrating in the street against the regime,” she said.

Describing Biden’s Iran plans as “literally Obama 2.0,” Haley said the new administration is prepared to jump back into the deal without asking Iran to leave Syria, stop its nuclear and missile program, or stop funding terrorism.

“You’re actually hurting our friends, Israel, and the Arab countries that worked with us on getting these sanctions passed on Iran, that worked with us on trying to hold back terrorism,” she said.

“The Biden administration is snubbing our friends like Israel but they’re cozying up to enemies like Iran,” Haley added.

Haley also brought up the fact that Biden has yet to reach out to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since his inauguration.

“Biden’s been in office for two weeks now. He has yet to call the Israeli prime minister, one of our closest allies,” she said. “I don’t understand the logic.”

Haley was first asked about China. She says the U.S. is hamstringing itself in terms of its defense capabilities by reentering the START Treaty with Russia, which limits U.S. nuclear armaments, while China continues to advance.

“My concern is the Biden administration is not taking China seriously,” Haley said.

This article was originally published by World Israel News and can be found here.

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