ZOA Strongly Supports House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s Statement That “Cease-Fire” Is “Paper-Thin, Fake Security”
July 31, 2003

168 Attacks Since
“Cease-Fire” Began

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly supports House Majority Leader Tom DeLay for his statement that the so-called “cease-fire” declared by Palestinian Arab terrorists is nothing more than “a 90-day vacation for terrorists,” since the terrorists are still walking free, manufacturing weapons, and preparing for the next round of terrorism against Israel.

Describing himself as “an Israeli at heart,” DeLay, in remarks to Members of the Israeli Knesset on July 30, 2003, said: “[F]ree nations of courage will fight and win this war [against terror]. Israel’s liberation from Palestinian terror is an essential component of that victory. And it’s a liberation we are determined to secure—not merely a paper-thin ceasefire. False security is no security, and murderers who take 90-day vacations are still murderers.”

He also said: “The violence must stop. An immediate and total end to Palestinian terrorism is not a concession the civilized world asks of the Palestinian Authority in order to advance the peace process. It is a prerequisite to the Palestinian Authority’s invitation to it … Israel’s fight is our fight—and so it shall be until the last terrorist on Earth is in a cell or a cemetery.”

The Israeli Army this week announced that there have been 168 Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks during the four weeks since the “cease-fire” was announced four weeks ago.. (Jerusalem Post, July 30, 2003).

Israeli Army officials have repeatedly warned that the Palestinian Authority has failed to confiscate the terrorists’ weapons, shut down their training camps, or arrest their members. A senior Israeli Army officer told the Jerusalem Post (July 21, 2003) that “Hamas is utilizing the cease-fire to build more than 1,000 Kassam rockets … The Palestinian Authority is doing nothing to stop the smuggling of huge amounts of arms, weapons, and ammunition … Sometimes they arrest a militant under the most comfortable conditions possible and release him within hours. The longest a militant has been held, is four days.”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “Congressman DeLay deserves the highest praise for his courageous and principled stand against terrorism. He understands that the fight against terrorists is a fight to the finish, in which there must be no compromise or let-up. We hope President Bush will heed his words of wisdom.”

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