Please Call, Email, or Fax Your Senators and Representatives to Urge That The Bush-Proposed $350 Million in US Aid to Palestinian Arabs Be Linked to Compliance With The Road Map
Action Alerts
February 5, 2005

ZOA Executive Directors
ZOA Regional Leaders
Friends of the ZOA

Morton A. Klein, ZOA National President
Dr. Michael Goldblatt, Chairman of the Board
Dr. Alan Mazurek, Chairman of National Executive Committee

In his State of the Union address, President Bush asked for a $350 million US aid package for Palestinian leader and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas. The sum constitutes a doubling of previous aid under Bush and a quadrupling of aid under President Clinton — all without any stipulations or requirements. The US aid to the Palestinian Arabs now totals over $1 billion and has brought about no reduction in violence, incitement or corruption in the Palestinian Authority (PA). Please urge your representatives in Congress that no more US tax dollars be given to the PA until they fufill their 11-year old obligations under Oslo and 2-year old obligations under the Road Map.

1) Dismantle All Terror Groups. This means Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and other terror groups must be dismantled and disarmed. The Brigades are part of Fatah, which Abbas co-founded and currently heads. He has direct command of 30,000 security people that can keep the peace in the areas the PA controls. The U.S. should urge that all force necessary must be used by Abbas against all Palestinian Arab terror groups to eliminate their ability to undertake acts of terror directed against Israel.

2) Stop All Incitement. Abbas must take visible, concrete steps to end the incitement within Palestinian society against Israel, Jews and America. This means affecting real changes within the government controlled Palestinian print and electronic media, schools, mosques, children’s camps and the statements that emerge from their leadership to their people in Arabic.

3) Arrest Terrorists. Terrorists on Israel’s and America’s wanted list should be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned.

4) Destroy All Bomb Factories. Bomb-making facilities throughout the PA-administered territories must be actively sought out and closed down.

5) Confiscate All Illegal Weapons. Illegal weapons held by terrorist groups must be confiscated.

6) Prevent Terrorist Infiltration of Security Forces. The U.S. must demand that members of a terrorist group cannot be part of any Palestinian police or security force, since this will serve only to legitimize them and enable them to keep their weapons.

7) Declare Attacks Morally Wrong. Abbas must publicly state in Arabic and English that it is morally wrong to attack and kill Jews. The issue is not that the policy did not work but rather that it was morally wrong to begin with.

8) Declare Israel’s Right to Exist. Abbas must publicly state in Arabic and English that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state and to live in peace with its neighbors.

9) Declare that Refugees Will Only Return to Palestinian Arab territory. Abbas must also publicly state in Arabic and English that the resolution of the so called “Palestinian Arab refugee” issue would occur only on Palestinian Arab territory.

10) Abbas Must Publicly Apologize and Retract his Holocaust Denials. Mahmoud Abbas completed a Ph.D in 1982 and a subsequent book denying that six million Jews perished in the Holocaust, claiming the number was no more than “several hundred thousand,” and further claimed that the Zionist leadership collaborated with the Nazis during the war.

Call on your Senators and Representative in Congress to fight the $350 million in unrestricted aid to the Palestinians proposed by President Bush: 202-224-3121

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