Israeli-Americans: Register to Vote in the 2024 U.S. Elections!

Are you a U.S. citizen living in Israel?

Uncle Theo and ZOA Want YOU to Vote in the November 2024 Elections!

Your Vote Counts – ZOA will help you register and get your Absentee Ballot to the United States in time to count in the upcoming elections.

ZOA and our favorite Uncle Theo want you to know how EASY it is to have your voice heard in the November 2024 elections.  There are three simple steps to casting your absentee vote:

  1. Register to vote here at the Federal Voting Assistance Program website. Watch the FVAP’s tutorial below
  2. Request your ballot (which can be done by email).
  3. Complete your ballot (which ZOA will bring to the United States and mail for you).

ZOA has created a short video to walk you through the process of voting in the November 2024 elections.  

ZOA will be in Israel during Chol HaMoed and will sponsor an event in Jerusalem to collect completed ballots, which we will bring back and mail in the United States so they arrive in time to be counted for Election Day.

One of the deepest ideological connections between America and Israel is our shared commitment to democracy.  The United States has been the standard bearer for democratic principles since 1776 and for 76 years Israel has been the only democracy in the Middle East.  Your vote helps democracy thrive forever in America and in Israel! 

Disclaimer: ZOA is a nonpartisan organization that doesn’t support or reject any candidate for office.