Former Fatah/P.A. Prime Minister Qurei Calls for One-State In Place of Israel
April 12, 2012

Ahmed Qurei, former prime minister (2003-5, 2005-6) of the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA), senior Fatah official, head of the PLO’s Department of Jerusalem Affairs, and former speaker of the Palestinian legislature, has called for a “one state solution” – the replacement of Israel by a single Arab/Muslim-dominated state. 


In a recent article, Qurei wrote that the idea of a Palestinian state alongside Israel had “died” and that the PA should consider openly a one-state solution, as “this solution allows [us] to expand our maneuvering room and to continue [our] comprehensive diplomatic campaign to take [back] the basic rights of freedom, independence, and human honor that we have been denied … The unfeasibility of the two-state solution is a fact that can be presented to the Quartet, and especially the U.S.” (‘Fatah Senior Official Ahmad Qurei’ Calls for One-State Solution,’ Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Special Dispatch No.4642, April 9, 2012).


ZOA National Chairman of the Board Dr. Michael Goldblatt said, “Ahmed Qurei is simply being more frank than his other PA colleagues, some of whom responded to his article by saying that he was speaking in a purely personal capacity.


“As we have noted repeatedly, the Fatah/PA, despite its official policy of setting up a Palestinian state alongside Israel, openly tells its people it has never accepted Israel, will never recognize it as a Jewish state and will not cease to demand the ‘right of return’ – the flooding of Israel with the refugees of the 1948-9 war and their millions of descendants, a measure that would end Israel as a Jewish state.”

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