Britain Fires Muslim Cleric For Supporting Terror –Yet Urges Creation Of Palestinian Arab Terror State
February 12, 2003

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises the British government decision to fire a Muslim cleric who supports violence—and urges the British to reconsider their support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state run by terrorists and pro-terror Muslim clerics.

The British government’s Charities Commission recently fired Sheikh Abu Hamza from his position at the Finsbury Park Mosque because of his statements characterizng the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia and the September 11 terrorist attacks as Divine punishment.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “The British were right to fire Abu Hamza; the time has come for the British to reconsider their support for a Palestinian Arab state, because such a state would be run by Abu Hamza’s ideological cohorts—the Palestinian Authority-appointed clergymen who regularly deliver sermons inciting hatred and violence against America, Israel, and Jews.”

Samples from the sermons, which are broadcast over official PA Television and PA Radio:

“THE JEWS ARE MONKEYS AND PIGS”: Palestinian Media Watch reports that on December 6, 2002, official PA Television broadcast a religious sermon by Dr. Mustafa Najem in which he said: “The Jews…are the brothers of monkeys and pigs…Allah has warned us against their evil and their arrogance …Mohammed, who waged a Jihad against the Jews…The Jews…are Idolaters, heretics, whose faith is false.”

“VICTORY OVER THE JEWS”: On November 1, 2002, PA Television and Radio broadcast a live sermon by an unidentified sheikh at the Sheikh Ijlin Mosque in Gaza City, in which he said: “Allah warns us of the Jews and their characters. Allah protected the Prophet from Jews’ cunning, treachery, and ideological terrorism…The Koran and the Prophet’s tradition brand the Jews with arrogance, rampaging, treachery, and deception…Therefore Allah transformed them into monkeys and pigs.” (Translation by FBIS.)

“THE FILTH OF THE JEWS”: On October 25, 2002, PA Television broadcast a live sermon by Sheikh Ibrahim Abu-Awkal at the Sheikh Ijlin Mosque in Gaza City, in which he said: “O Allah, cleanse the land from the filth of the Jews.” (Translation by FBIS.)

“ALLAH ORDERS US TO CARRY OUT JIHAD”: On July 19, 2002, PA Television and PA Radio broadcast a live sermon by Sheikh Ahmad Abd al-Raziq at the Sheikh Ijlin Mosque in Gaza City, in which he said: “Allah has afflicted us with sedition and an enemy who does not fear us…this would not have happened had we carried out Allah’s orders, especially Jihad, and had Muslims carried out Allah’s orders of Jihad…” (Translation by FBIS.)

“ANNIHILATE THE JEWS”: On April 12, 2002, PA Television broadcast a live sermon by PA appointee Imam Sheikh Ibraham Madhi at the Sheikh Ijlin Mosque in Gaza City, in which he said: “O Allah, show the Jews a black day. O Allah, annihilate the Jews and their supporters. O Allah, raise the flag of Jihad across the land.” (Translation by MEMRI.)

“DESTROY THE AMERICAN AGGRESSORS”: On February 7, 2002, PA Radio broadcast a 25-minute live sermon from Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem , in which Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, the PA-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, declared: “While Muslims slaughter sheep in Id Al-Adha, the United States will slay Muslims in Iraq in order to carry out its aggressive, criminal, terrorist, and inhuman designs…O Allah, deter the aggressors and conspirators. O Allah, destroy them all. O Allah, protect Iraq and its people.” (Translation by FBIS.)

“VANQUISH THE JEWS”: On September 25, 2001, PA Television broadcast a live sermon by PA appointee Imam Sheikh Ibraham Madhi at the Sheikh Ijlin Mosque in Gaza City, in which he said: “We must always remember who the Jews are…and their corruption in the world…they are cursed…These are the Jews against whom we fight, o beloved of Allah…They are cursed with the curse of Allah in this world and in the hereafter…Our belief is that this war, between us and the Jews, will continue to escalate until we vanquish the Jews and enter Jerusalem as conquerors.”

“DESTROY AMERICA”: On September 12, 1997, PA Radio broadcast a live sermon from Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, in which Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, the PA-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, said: “America is the chief of the terrorists. O Allah, destroy America, her agents, and her allies! Cast them into their own traps, and cover the White House with black!”

“DESTROY AMERICA…BRITAIN & FRANCE ARE INFIDELS”: On July 11, 1997, PA Radio broadcast a sermon from Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, in which Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, the PA-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, said: “O Allah, destroy America, for she is ruled by Zionist Jews…Allah will paint the White House black!…The Muslims say to Britain, to France, and to all the infidel nations that Jerusalem is Arab.”

“THE JEWS ARE DEVIOUS”: On June 12, 1996, Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, the PA-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, said in a sermon at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem: “There is no one that can deny the Jews act deviously, as the Koran itself shows, and no one knows when they will be stopped. We must rise up against the occupation with all our might to achieve what we want.” (Jerusalem Post, June 14, 1996)

“DESTROY ISRAEL”: Associated Press, March 6, 1995: “In his sermons, Mujfti Ikrimah Sabri [the PA-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem] openly talks about the destruction of Israel and urges Muslims to be ‘holy warriors’…”

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