Children Taught To “Die For Allah” By Palestinian Authority Regime Of Abu Mazen
May 6, 2003

NEW YORK- An official of the Palestinian Authority, headed by Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has publicly acknowledged that the PA is continuing to teach children to murder Israelis and “die for Allah.”

The PA’s incitement of children to murder is a blatant violation of the Bush administration’s “Road Map” plan, which stipulates that “all official Palestinian institutions end incitement against Israel.”

Palestinian Media Watch reports that on official PA Television on May 4, 2003, the director of the PA Children’s Aid Association, Mrs. Firial Hillis, was interviewed about the PA’s education policies. The interviewer began with a reporter, Samir Shahin, describing the attitude of children at a PA school: “The children only wanted to leave [school] and throw stones at the Israeli soldier, and to reach Shahada ‘dying for Allah’. They aspired to Shahada as a first priority.”

The moderator then turned to Mrs. Firial and asked: “Mrs. Firial Hillis, in your opinion, does the Palestinian child understand the concept of Shahad a?” Mrs. Hillis replied: “The concept of Shahada for him [the child] means belonging to the homeland, from a religious point of view. Sacrifice for his homeland. Achieving Shahada in order to reach Paradise and to meet his God. This is the best. We also teach our children to protect the homeland, belonging and to reach Shahada.”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) points out that during the first week since Mazen became prime minister, he has not take any steps to fulfill the requirements of the Bush administration’s road map, which stipulates that the PA must “arrest, disrupt and restrain individuals and groups conducting and planning violent attacks on Israelis anywhere”; “commence confiscation of illegal weapons”; undertake the “dismantlement of terrorist capabilities and infrastructure”; issue a statement calling on Palestinian Arabs “to end armed activity and all acts of violence against Israelis anywhere”; and “all official Palestinian institutions end incitement against Israel.”

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