Majority of Israelis Now Support Ending Talks With The Palestinian Authority and Oppose Bush’s “Road Map”
August 22, 2003

NEW YORK – New polls have found that the majority of Israelis now oppose the Bush administration’s “Road Map” plan and support a strong military response to the Jerusalem bus massacre, including the expulsion of Yasir Arafat and Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin from the region—even if such actions will put Israel at odds with the Bush administration.

According to a poll carried out by the Dahaf Institute (Yediot Ahronot, Aug.22, 2003):

* 57% Oppose Road Map: Asked “Should Israel continue measures that it committed to within the framework of the Road Map?,” 57% said no; only 37% said yes.

* 62% Say End Talks With PA: 62% of Israelis believe Israel should halt its talks with the Palestinian Authority.

According to a poll by the Shvakim Panorama polling agency for Israel Radio (Aug.20, 2003):

* 56% Want Strong Military Action: 56.4% say that Israel should respond to the Jerusalem bus massacre “sharply, even if that gets Israel into a sharp conflict with the Americans.”

* 61% Say Expel Arafat & Yassin: 61.4% of Israelis favor expelling Yasir Arafat and Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin from the region.

* 68% Don’t Believe PA Will Fight Terrorists: Asked if they believe “that the Palestinians leadership will now fight Hamas and Jihad?,” 68.3% said no; only 22.9% said yes.

Morton A. Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), said: “The majority of Israelis now recognize that the Road Map is a road to disaster for Israel. The goal of the Road Map, the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, would put the terrorists within easy striking distance of Israel’s major population centers. Such a state would be a terrorist state closely allied with anti-American rogue regimes such as Syria and Iran. It would be catastrophic for both Israel and America.”

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