ZOA Urges Resignation Of Cabinet Minister Who Compared Palestinian Arabs To Holocaust Victims
May 24, 2004

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the resignation of Israeli cabinet minister Tommy Lapid, following Lapid’s false and offensive comparison of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza who have been temporarily displaced, to the six million Jews who were slaughtered by the Nazis.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein, who is a child of Holocaust survivors, was born in a Displaced Persons camp in Germany, and lost numerous family members in the Holocaust, said:

“Tommy Lapid has disgraced the memory of the Six Million with his vile suggestion that there is any comparison between the millions of innocent Jews murdered by the Nazis, and the Palestinian Arab residents of Gaza, a tiny number of whom have had their homes dismantled because the homes were serving as shelters for terrorists and as protective cover for weapons- smuggling tunnels. Some of them even rent their homes for these specific purposes.

“Just last month, Secretary of State Colin Powell said at the Berlin conference on antisemitism that those who compare Israel to the Nazis are ‘crossing the line’ between legitimate criticism of Israel and antisemitism.

“As an American organization, the ZOA does not ordinarily comment on whether Israeli cabinet ministers should or should not remain in office. But Tommy Lapid has gone far beyond the bounds of decency, provided ammunition to Israel’s enemies, and offended Jews around the world. Such a person should not remain in public office in any country. For the sake of the honor of Israel’s cabinet, he should resign immediately.”

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