Saudi Official Again Blames “Zionism” For Terrorism In Saudi Arabia; ZOA Urges Bush To Respond
June 16, 2004

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush administration to speak out in response to the latest declaration by a Saudi official that “Zionism” is to blame for recent terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia.

Earlier this year, the Saudi ruler, Crown Prince Abdullah, declared that recent terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia were carried out by “Zionist elements.” Unfortunately, the Bush administration refrained from publicly challenging the Saudis’ libelous and inciteful allegation.

Now the official Saudi Press Agency ( reports the Saudi ambassador to Great Britain, Price Turki Al-Faisal, said in a speech in Berlin on June 15, 2004 that “Zionism” is to blame for the terrorist attacks. Al-Faisal said that the attacks “serve the Zionism interests” [sic] and were carried out because Saudi Arabia is “the major supporter of Muslim World’s issues.”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “The Bush administration’s failure to speak out against Prince Abdullah’s statement earlier this year sent a message to the Saudis that the U.S. will not oppose their vile attempts to incite hatred against Zionism, Israel, and Jews. President Bush must speak out now against the latest Saudi incitement before the Saudis’ words of hate inspire even more violence against Jews and Israel.”

Saudi Arabia’s attempt to falsely blame Zionists for the terrorism, instead of taking real steps to combat the terrorists, shows the need for the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act, new legislation that the ZOA has helped initiate. The bill, S.1888 / HR 3643, would impose sanctions on Saudi Arabia unless the Saudis stop funding terrorist groups and fully cooperate with U.S. efforts against terrorism. The sanctions would include halting U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia and restricting the travel of Saudi diplomats within the United States.

The current sponsors in the Senate are Specter (R-PA), Bayh (D-IN), Collins (R-ME), Graham (D-FL), Murray (D-WA), Schumer (D-NY), Bunning (R-KY), Feingold (D-WI), Graham (D-SC), Reid (D-NV), and Wyden (D-OR).

In the House, the sponsors are Allen (D-ME), Andrews (D-NJ), Berkley (D-NV), Bishop (D-GA), Cardoza (D-CA), Crowley (D-NY), J. Davis (R-VA), Deutsch (D-FL), Emanuel (D-IL), Evans (D-IL), Ferguson (R-NJ), Foley (R-FL), Frank (D-MA), Frost (D-TX), Garrett (R-NJ), Hill (D-IN), Hoeffel (D-PA), Israel (D-NY), Lowey (D-NY), Maloney (D-NY), Markey (D-MA), Matsui (D-CA), McCarthy (D-NY), McNulty (D-NY), Nadler (D-NY), Rothman (D-NJ), Rush (D-IL), Sandlin (D-TX), Smith (R-NJ), Strickland (D-OH), Tauscher (D-CA), Waxman (D-CA), Wexler (D-FL), and Wolf (R-VA).

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