By 74% To 10%, Americans Oppose U.S. Aid To The Palestinian Arabs, New Poll Finds
July 19, 2004

NEW YORK – By an overwhelming margin of more than seven to one, Americans oppose the Bush administration’s $213-million annual aid to the Palestinian Arabs, a new poll has found.

According to the poll, 74.1% of Americans oppose U.S. aid to the Palestinian Arabs; only 10.4% support it.

The poll was conducted on July 14-15 by McLaughlin and Associates, for the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). A scientifically-selected sample of 1,000 Americans were polled.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “These poll results send a message, loud and clear, to the Bush administration that funding the Palestinian Arabs is just as wrong, as if the U.S. were funding Iran or Syria. The administration was wrong to increase the annual U.S. gift to the Palestinian Arabs from $100-million to $213-million. The vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of seeing their tax dollars funding the Palestinian Arabs’ suicide bombers and anti-American, anti-Jewish, and anti-Israel incitement. U.S. aid to the Palestinian Arabs may well be the single most unpopular policy of the Bush administration.”

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