ZOA Launches Ad Campaign To Stop U.S. Money And Concessions To Abbas Until He Retracts Holocaust Denial And Fulfills Road Map
March 8, 2005

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has launched a major nationwide ad campaign calling to stop $350M in U.S. aid and other concessions to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority (PA), until he publicly retracts and apologizes for his holocaust denial and until he fulfills all of his obligations under the Road Map, including his promise to dismantle and disarm terror groups, close bomb factories, arrest terrorists and end incitement against Israel.

The full-page ads will appear in 15 major Jewish newspapers around the country, including areas such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Miami, Detroit, Pittsburgh, New York, New Jersey and others. These full-page ads will also appear in the Weekly Standard, Washington Times, New York Sun and The Forward.

The headline of the ad states, “Mr. President, don’t give Holocaust Denier and PLO chief Abbas $350 million until he fulfills his obligations — Let’s go by the book.” In the middle of the ad there is a large picture of the cover of Mahmoud Abbas’ Holocaust denying book. The Abbas book cover has a very large swatstika superimposed over a Jewish star with the title, The Other Side: The Secret Relations Between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement. This book was derived largely from Abbas’ 1982 Ph.D. thesis denying the Holocaust. The book was published in 1984.

The ad also lists recent outrageous quotes by Abbas calling Israel “the Zionist enemy,” Arab terrorists “heroes,” suicide bombers “martyrs,” his calling for “a big jihad,” against Jews and asserting his “duty to implement the principles of Yasser Arafat.”

ZOA also recently distributed an op-ed co-authored by former Justice Department Nazi Hunter and AIPAC Executive Director Neal Sher and Morton Klein of ZOA, exposing the silence surrounding Abbas’ Holocaust Denial entitled “The Silence Is Deafening as Abbas Gets Free Pass on Holocaust Denial”. Sher and Klein called on Jewish leaders to demand a retraction from Abbas. It also respectfully questioned the public silence on this issue by the great Holocaust author, Prof. Elie Wiesel and Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, Emory University expert on Holocaust Denial. It is so important that these leaders make this a serious issue. This article was published in newspapers around the world.

The ZOA Capitol Hill office, headed by Murray Tenenbaum, has also been lobbying Members of Congress to link U.S. aid to compliance to the Road Map. In addition, ZOA leaders continue to speak out on these issues through lectures, TV and radio appearances, quotes in newspapers and magazines and press releases.

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