Arab Druze Knesset Member: Gaza Plan Is Bad For Israel Security – Great For Hamas Terrorists
News Press Release
April 18, 2005

NEW YORK: Ayoob Kara, a Druze Arab Knesset member of the Likud Party, told the World Net Daily that “This Gaza withdrawal is going to be terrible for Israel security. Hamas is going to become dominant as soon as Israel leaves Gaza, and they will use the land they’re receiving to stage more attacks against Israel.” Mr. Kara is the first non-Jewish Likud Knesset member and has become a staunch opponent of the Gaza withdrawal deportation plan.

He also said that “Hamas is already telling their supporters that Israel leaving Gaza is because of their terrorism, so they are thinking terrorism works.”

President Morton A. Klein of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) said, “Kara is right. On Thursday Mohammad al-Zahar, a senior leader of Hamas said, ‘Very simply, nobody can deny that if Israel is going to leave the Gaza Strip and part of the West Bank, that it was because of the intifada, because of the armed struggle, because of the great sacrifices of Hamas for this goal. It was not because of negotiations, or the goodwill of Israel, or Americans or the Europeans. This is an important achievement for the armed struggle and confirms the willingness, correctness and usefulness of employing the armed struggle and its ability of obtaining political objectives.'”

Klein added, “Yaacov Amidror, former deputy chief of Israeli military intelligence recently wrote that if Israel withdraws from Gaza, it will become a Hamas terror state or a Hamastan. And only yesterday, outgoing Chief of Staff General Moshe Ya’alon said, ‘Immediately after the disengagement we can expect a burst of terrorism…all the signs point to it.'”

Kara also said, “Israelis are moving to the next quick fix, the next supposed solution to everything, the Gaza withdrawal…Sharon won’t listen. He has surrounded himself with all the leftist politicians, and they are controlling things. They are the ones pushing this through…This is just the beginning. If Sharon is still in power, there will be withdrawals from everything the Palestinians want, Jerusalem, the West Bank…”

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