ADL Poll – 59% Of Americans Oppose Rush To A Palestinian State
May 12, 2005

New York — In a poll released last week by the Anti-Defamation League, Americans were asked to choose between two statements.

1) Palestinians deserve their own homeland — an independent State. Peace in the Middle East will be strengthened by the creation of this State as soon as possible.

2) A Palestinian State should only be established after Palestinians end the terrorist violence and accept Israel’s legitimacy.

Number 2 was chosen by 59% of the respondents while only 31% chose number one. This was a dramatic reversal from a similar poll taken in 2003, where 38% chosen number 2 and 45% chose number one.

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein said, “It is encouraging to see that almost 2/3 of Americans now understand that the establishment of a Palestinian State would only mean establishing a terrorist State.

“We urge President Bush to stop talking about such a state and instead commit our government to use all of the resources at its disposal to pressure the Palestinian regime to dismantle the terror groups and end the indoctrination to hate Jews and Americans, and put Israel on all its maps and textbooks where they are now conspicuously absent. The President should work to end terror states, not create new ones run by the Palestinian/Fatah/Hamas terrorists.”

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