Jewish Rappers Join ZOA Campus Activism Network To Oppose The Forced Removal Of Jews From Gush Katif, Which Rewards Terrorism
July 20, 2005

New York – On Thursday evening, July 21, hundreds of students and young adults will attend The Orange Party, an event organized by the Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA) Campus Activism Network. The goal of the event is for young Zionists in the US to show solidarity with the Jews in Gush Katif and northern Samaria, and oppose the forced removal of 10,000 Jewish men, women and children from their homes, schools, synagogues, farms and businesses. This Plan sends a message that terrorism pays.

The Orange Party, organized by Joshua Mann, Julie Sager, David Sarna-Galdi, Talia Kaplan, and David Greenberg of the ZOA, is taking place at the Northwest Lounge, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. “Modeled after the orange party in Tel Aviv, our event expects to draw hundreds of young people together in New York City to show the communities of Gush Katif and Shomron that they are not alone,” said Joshua Mann, a student coordinator of the event who is a sophomore at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a ZOA campus representative.

At the Orange Party, America’s leading Jewish rapper, Remedy, of the Wu Tang Clan, will perform. Orange bracelets with Hebrew writing in support of Israel remaining in Gush Katif will be distributed at the event, as well as orange buttons and bumper stickers that say “Save Gush Katif.” In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to purchase orange t-shirts. Co-sponsors of The Orange Party are Manhigut Yehudit and Magshimei Herut. Proceeds from the party will go to the Gush Katif Regional Council.

The Zionist Organization of America launched an advertising campaign last week reporting on a major poll showing that Americans oppose withdrawing from Gaza and forcibly removing 10,000 Jews from their homes by 63% – 16%. The poll made clear that Americans oppose appeasement of terrorists and their regimes.

ZOA’s National President, Morton Klein, said: “Making one-sided concessions to an unrepentant enemy regime will only lead to more violence. Israel also apparently doesn’t appreciate that the US Congress will continue to be strongly supportive of Israel whether they make this concession or not.”

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