Former IDF Chief Yaalon: Gaza Withdrawal Major Mistake
February 21, 2006

Two-State Solution

New York – Former Israel Defense Forces Chief General Moshe Yaalon spoke today at Dore Gold’s Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) seminar at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. He stated that the negatives far outweighed the positives in the outcome of the forced evacuation of 9000 Jews from Gaza. The Gaza withdrawal helped Hamas win the Palestinian Authority elections because it became more clear that terrorism gains significant benefits. “Iran and the global Jihadists see this as their victory,” added Yaalon, and “the PA and Iran are closer than ever with more extremism and terrorist capability to follow…Iran will be transferring knowledge and technology and money to the PA.”

Ambassador Dore Gold, Director of the JCPA and former Israeli Ambassador to the UN said, “you can’t separate Hamas from global jihad…we have found many posters of Hamas leaders with al-Quaeda leaders together.”

Other comments by General Moshe Yaalon include:

  • We must step up military actions in Gaza despite the problems of not being able to have laser-like accuracy against the terrorists there.
  • This is necessary to stop the missiles from continuously being launched from Gaza into Israeli cities of Sderot and Ashkelon threatening lives, the power plants and electric grids there.
  • We must stop getting used to these constant missile attacks as if they’re rain. We can’t tolerate this missile threat from Gaza or continued terrorism.
  • PA will soon increase their missile capability by their own improving technology or the import of new missiles.
  • Hamas is part of global Jihad – they talk about the entire nation of Islam not just Palestine.
  • Hamas leader Khaled Meshal said, “we’ll sit on the crown of the world and the West will show remorse.”
  • When Hamas speaks, they sound like al-Quaeda and Iran.
  • Israel can and must form a new international consensus against Hamas and global Jihad.
  • Even before the Hamas victory, a two-state solution was a mistaken fantasy – now it’s even more irrelevant.
  • The Palestinians knew exactly who Hamas was when they voted for them.
  • If we couldn’t tame and change Arafat, we can’t tame and change Hamas.
  • If we’re in Judea and Samaria we can thwart the terrorism from there.
  • Continuing Palestinian incitement — meaning the raising and teaching of children from the age of 3 to hate and kill Israelis — makes peace impossible.
  • Israelis are confused about the correctness and justice of Israel’s cause.
  • We must promote the true legitimacy of the Zionist narrative.

ZOA President Morton A. Klein said, “The ZOA agrees with General Yaalon that there should be a cessation of any discussion of establishing a Palestinian Arab state. We believe that such a state will simply be an extremist, Islamic, terrorist entity devoted to murdering Jews and Israel’s destruction and will align themselves with the global Jihadist movements from al-Quaeda to Iran.

“The ZOA also believes that the increased danger which the Gaza withdrawal brought Israel should end any policy initiatives promoting more unilateral withdrawals. Any land which is given to the Palestinian Authority will be controlled by the Iran/Hamas/al-Quaeda axis. We urge all political parties of Israel and the U.S. Administration to immediately end all talks of concessions or Palestinian statehood. The Islamic militant danger now facing Israel is also threatening the entire Western world.”

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