Hamas/PA Website Promotes Children To Become Suicide Bombers
March 10, 2006

New York – Hamas, the Islamist terrorist movement that calls in its Charter for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews and which will form the new Palestinian Authority (PA) government following its victory in the PA legislative elections in January, now maintains a website for children that glorifies and encourages suicide terrorism. The website, al-fateh.net (“The Conqueror”), describes the glories of violence and death for Allah as “victory,” and presents the death of terrorists in attacks on Israeli civilians as joyous occasions.

The al.fateh.net website also features a page, ‘Stories of the Shahids,’ which honors individual terrorists. The story currently featured on this page honors a Hamas suicide terrorist, Naseem Ja’abari, who murdered 16 people in a bus bombing in Beersheba on August 31, 2004. The story describes how Naseem’s mother tells of her son’s merits and says that when she heard of his terrorist action, she took the money he had left her and “went to buy dates and candies for the people who came to congratulate [us].”

She goes on to tell how she heard her son committed the suicide bombing. Finally, she sends her greetings to all those people who want to become shahids (martyrs). Naseem’s mother also gloats that “[in light] of the success of the heroic attack in Beersheba, the Zionist Secret Service admitted they failed in eliminating the Resistance [a Palestinian euphemism for terror], its roots and infrastructure” (Palestinian Media Watch report, March 7, 2006).

The following is a translation provided by Palestinian Media Watch of a poem displayed on the ‘Stories of the Shahids’ page:

We rose up
We rose up against the thieves
We rose up against [them], and we shall never surrender
We will rise up in determination, like our ancestors
We will sacrifice, sacrifice our lives
Our father’s bidding has taught us
That Jihad is the eternal path
And that the oppressors will be defeated…
We have become devoted and we will never surrender
One day we will defeat all the invaders
We bless and honor the proud
The blood of the shahid has taught us
That Shahada [martyrdom] is a new life
O Allah, bless the steps of the rebels
Indeed, Shahada is an open victory

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “This Hamas website, along with the PA television interviews with mothers of suicide bombers that the ZOA highlighted in a press release this week, is yet another shocking example of the moral depravity and poisonous hatred in Palestinian society today.

“When it is possible for the PA to broadcast, not only once, but several times, interviews with mothers of suicide bombers who support the intended or actual murderous acts of their children and when the ruling Hamas party has a website geared towards fostering a desire in Palestinian children to murder and die, we are witnessing a society that is mired in fanaticism and hate.

“We are witnessing a society which in its hatred of Jews and Israel produces parents who overcome their natural feelings towards protecting and sparing the lives of their children. If they wish this sort of death on their children, it is easy to see that they would gladly see all Israelis murdered. The ZOA urges the Bush Administration to end all financial aid to and negotiations with the new Hamas/Palestinian Authority.”

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