More Disturbing Information On The Hamas/Fatah Mecca Agreement
February 28, 2007

New York — More disturbing information on the Mecca agreement between Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah and Hamas on forming a PA unity government has emerged in recent days. The terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command (PFLP-GC) has also joined the government, its spokesman saying it did so, among other reasons because of the need of “preserving the resistance” [ i.e. terrorism] (Maan News [PA news agency], February 27, 2007).

Statements by senior Palestinian Arab spokesmen for the parties concerned indicate that the Mecca agreement does not call for peace but for more terrorism; demands the so-called ‘right of return’ of Palestinian refugees and their millions of descendants to Israel and thus Israel’s dissolution; demands the release of jailed Palestinian Arab terrorists; and does not mean peace or reconciliation with Israel but is instead intended to wrest concessions from Israel. Israel is not in fact mentioned in the document:

  • Younes Al-Astal, Hamas legislator & columnist: [The agreement is] “Sulh Al-Hudaybiyya [a version of the Hudaybiyya agreement, Mohammed’s temporary diplomatic accommodation with the Jewish Khaybar tribe, which was later abrogated when Mohammed renewed war on the Khaybar]. We are optimistic that the new Mecca agreement will be the key to many achievements, which will provide the internal security that is necessary to renew the siege on Khaybar [meaning Israel], and to subjugate the Zionists to the demands of the resistance” (Hamas newspaper Al-Resala, February 15, 2007).

  • Ashraf Al-Ajrami, columnist for the PA daily Al-Ayyam: “We must break the siege placed upon us … and this demands a flexible political language that will maintain constructive ambiguity without the need for statements that aid Israel in its war against the Mecca agreement” ( Al-Ayyam, February 12, 2007).

  • Khaled Mashaal, Hamas leader: [The agreement] “Under this plan, all the prisoners will be released from the Israeli jails; all the settlements will be dismantled; and the right of return for the displaced refugees will be assured” (PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, February 10, 2007).

  • Mushir Al-Masri, Hamas spokesman: “Hamas remains steadfast in its principles, and has not retreated. Hamas will not recognize Israel, will not abandon the resistance, and will not relinquish its principles” (PA daily Al-Ayyam, February 12, 2007).

  • Fatah memorandum to Fatah officials following the signing of the agreement: “Neither side has conceded to the other on political content … We will launch an extensive political campaign to remove the siege on our people …” ( Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, February 11, 2007).

  • Younes Al-Astal, Hamas legislator & columnist: [The agreement is] “Sulh Al-Hudaybiyya [a version of the Hudaybiyya agreement, Mohammed’s temporary diplomatic accommodation with the Jewish Khaybar tribe, which was later abrogated when Mohammed renewed war on the Khaybar]. We are optimistic that the new Mecca agreement will be the key to many achievements, which will provide the internal security that is necessary to renew the siege on Khaybar [meaning Israel], and to subjugate the Zionists to the demands of the resistance” (Hamas newspaper Al-Resala, February 15, 2007).

  • Yasser Abed Rabbo, advisor to Mahmoud Abbas: “If we act wisely, and Hamas speaks a new language as promised by Khaled Mash’al, if the new government plays its complementary role and helps Abu Mazen [Abbas] in his role, and if there is a halt to useless statements that are mere repetitions of slogans, such as [Prime Minister Haniya’s political advisor] Ahmad Yousef’s recent statements that the Mecca agreement does not include a commitment to recognize Israel, then [the Mecca agreement] will have a good chance of removing the siege from the Palestinian people” (Al-Quds Al-Arabi [London], February 13, 2007).

  • Hani Al-Masri, senior PA Information Ministry official and columnist for the PA daily Al-Ayyam: has admitted that Abbas conceded to Hamas its demand that it be asked merely to “honor” rather than be “committed to” past signed Oslo agreements, something which Fatah itself has failed to fulfill in practice. ( Al-Ayyam, February 10, 2007)

  • Isma’il Radwan, Hamas spokesman: “The positions of the Hamas movement are permanent and known — no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity… The government is not required to recognize Israel. The PLO recognized [it], but that is its own business. Hamas will join the PLO on the basis of new standards based on reshaping the PLO and non-recognition of the legitimacy of the occupation” ( Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, February 10, 2007).

  • Mushir Al-Masri, Hamas spokesman: “Hamas remains steadfast in its principles, and has not retreated. Hamas will not recognize Israel, will not abandon the resistance, and will not relinquish its principles” (Al-Ayyam, February 12, 2007).

  • Ahmad Yousef, political advisor to Prime Minister Isma’il Haniyya: [The platform of the unity government] “would not include the issue of recognition” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, February 12, 2007) (All translations of statements courtesy of Middle East Media Research Institute, February 28, 2007).

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