Israeli Report: Nearly Half Of All Israelis Murdered By Arab Terrorists Since 1948 Killed In The Past 6 1/2 Years Of Oslo War
April 24, 2007

New York – Statistics have been released in Israel by the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi) which show that, of the 1,635 Israelis murdered by Arab terrorists since the creation of Israel in 1948, 864 (more than half that number, or 52.8%) were murdered since September 2000 in the on-going Oslo war (Israel National News, April 19).

Further facts about murdered Israelis:

  • A 2006 detailed report issued by the Almagor Terror Victims Association (ATVA), showing that between the years 1993-1999, Israel released 6,912 terrorists within the context of “confidence building measures” and prisoner deals. Of that number, 854 (14%) were arrested subsequently for lethal terrorist acts which claimed the lives of 123 Israelis. All of the terrorists thus freed were released with assurances to the public that they did not have “blood on their hands” — Israel considers terrorists who have not themselves pulled the trigger but who have recruited, trained and sent bombers as people without blood on their hands.

  • According to Meir Indor, Director of ATVA, 177 Israelis killed in terror attacks in the last five years were killed by Palestinians “without blood on their hands” who had been released from Israeli jails ( Jerusalem Post , April 10).

  • According to the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee Chairman, Tzachi Hanegbi (Kadima), 35 Israelis had been murdered by prisoners Israel released in exchange for Elchanan Tennenbaum, an Israeli businessman kidnapped by Hizballah ( Independent Media & Review Analysis , April 13).

  • Since last Israel Independence Day, 66 Israeli civilians were killed in terrorist attacks, including those who perished during the Second Lebanon War waged by Hizballah ( Israel National News, April 19).

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “These tragic facts tell us as clearly as anything could that the Oslo peace process was a mistake from just about every conceivable point of view. Oslo advocates said it would bring peace, but it didn’t — in six years, it brought more bloodshed, including the deaths of more than half of the total number of Israelis murdered by terrorists since Israel came into existence 59 years ago. Oslo advocates said that it would stimulate Arab moderates and moderate Arab, especially Palestinian Arab, public opinion, but the reverse has happened — Hamas was elected, Palestinian Arabs are today raised on a diet of incitement to hatred and murder in their media, mosques, schools and youth camps and successive polls show them as committed as ever to terrorism, the right of return and other positions that are incompatible with peace and accepting Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Oslo advocates also told us that it would bring greater security and reduce criticism of Israel, but again, the reverse happened — in the long run, there is more criticism of Israel than ever, academics and writers in the West speak now openly of the need for Israel to disappear, Israeli academics are boycotted and ostracized and the UN continues to pass innumerable hostile resolutions against Israel. Oslo therefore brought Israel more loss of life and weakened Israel’s standing in the world, not the opposite.”

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