“The Sky is the Limit”
Malaysia takes the initiative, again!
Malaysia takes the initiative, again!
The Yemen Times
By Hassan Al-Haifi
Any Moslem, who heard the news last Sunday (see this link), should turn a once somber face at the pathetic state of the Moslem World today. This is of course thanks to the epitome of bad rulers that have taken the helms in just about most of the Moslem countries that span literally the richest part of the Earth.
Anyone who visited the beautiful country of Malaysia some 30 years or so (this observer was there in 1978), would never forget who pathetic many parts of Kuala Lumpur was. With all the wretched poverty that prevailed and the filth that was scattered amidst the beautiful surroundings, one could not help but see how the land just beckoned for someone to come and save the country from utter degradation. Apparently, the Al-Mighty was listening for God indeed brought the memorable Dr. Mahathir Mohammed to this paradise of country, just to give humanity a slight hint of what the eternal paradise might be like if one stuck to the guidance of the Divine and persisted in looking at the world goaded by spiritual mores and a relentless appreciation of what the Al-Mighty can paint in the face of the Earth.
Yes, Mahathir Mohammed was able to take the helms and steer his ethnic mixed nation to a path of development that surely showed most Moslems what the right way is to assume authority and take on the responsibility of bringing the nation into the Second Millennium, without causing any major social upheavals, bringing pain to his people or exploiting the trust of his people to bring all the wealth that the resources of the land could muster up solely for himself and his cronies. Mahathir Mohammed realized that his country contained enough resources that, if they were used properly could uplift the entire population of the country from the abyss of poverty to a steady level of growth and development eventually causing poverty as a dreadful feature of the land to be replaced by a high degree of shared output from what the land could produce.
If that was not enough, and believe this observer there is a lot in what has been said above, when a leader tells his people, “Okay folks this is what I am leaving you with, please don’t stop there, just carry on and the sky is the limit!” and the people take the pleadings of such a resourceful leader seriously, indeed the sky is the limit and now it can be seen that the Malaysians understood this well. The announcement that Malaysia is sending someone to outer space in two years and hopes to send men to the moon by the Year 2020 literally brings goose pimples to any Moslem who cherishes being a part of the “Middle Nation” that the Lord Al-Mighty spoke about in the Holy Quran. For one thing, to the Malaysians Islam is an integral part of their social fabric, albeit with all the due respect properly accorded to the elements of the other religious and ethnic affiliations that live in a remarkable environment of economic harmony and social cohesion. This is bound to be received very well in the Heavens because there is nothing more pleasing to the Lord Al-Mighty than to see his believers manage their mundane affairs with the resilience and gusto of a nation that lives under a gold mine. Moreover, when a nation seeks to prove on the ground what Islam is really all about and manifest all the principles of Islam of tolerance good will and social welfare, it is almost imperative that the Lord Al-Mighty will reward that nation with all the bounty that their land could come up with and their minds could envision pragmatically and realistically.
As for the Holy Land
Coming back to our wretched surroundings, it is understandable that Ehud Olmert, the current Israeli Prime Minister, simply will not be outdone by the Zionist Organization Of America (https://www.zoa.org/2007/09/the_zoa_teaches.htm which is reproduced from the YT Issue 1088). The Israeli leader has manifested his desires for peace in the Holy Land by claiming hundreds of square kilometers in and around Jerusalem and is now working to turn the confiscated property as Jewish as Matzo meal. This is the great civilized country that Israel is being made to appear in the Zionist controlled media in many of the countries of the modern west.
Hassan Al-Haifi has been a Yemeni political economist and journalist for more than 20 years.
The Zionist Organization of America, founded in 1897, is the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations, educates the American public and Congress about the dangers that Israel faces, and combats anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses. Its past presidents have included Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and Rabbi Dr. Abba Hillel Silver.
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