Urgent Acton Alert: Call Your U.S. House Member in Congress to Support Blunt/Berkley U.S. House Resolution Calling On Mahmoud Abbas To Abrogate His Fatah Party’s Constitution Calling For Terror & Israel’s “Demolition”
November 8, 2007

To Friends of Israel Around America:

U.S. House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) and U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) have demonstrated robust leadership in introducing a ZOA-supported resolution ( H.Res.758), which urges Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas, who is also leader of the Fatah party, to officially abrogate the 10 articles in the Fatah Constitution which call for Israel’s destruction and terrorism against Israel, oppose any political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and label Zionism as racism. The ZOA has repeatedly called for Abbas to rescind Fatah’s Constitution.

The Fatah Constitution has never been amended and remains in force to this day; it calls for the “demolition” of Israel (Article 12); the use of terrorism as an indispensable part of the strategy to obtain that goal (Article 19); condemns Zionism as racist (Article 7); calls on countries to prevent Jews from moving to Israel (Article 25); and opposes any political solution whatsoever (Article 22). Unsurprisingly, since September 2000, Fatah has been responsible for as many murders of Israelis as Hamas.

Below is a list of 10 articles in the Fatah Constitution which are incompatible with peace-making and Israel’s existence:

Article (22): “Opposing any political solution offered as an alternative to demolishing the Zionist occupation in Palestine, as well as any project intended to liquidate the Palestinian cause or impose any international mandate on its people.”

  • Article (12): “Complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military, and cultural existence.

  • Article (19): “Armed struggle is a strategy and not a tactic, and the Palestinian Arab People’s armed revolution is a decisive factor in the liberation fight and in uprooting the Zionist existence, and this struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished and Palestine is completely liberated.”

  • Article (17): “Armed public revolution is the inevitable method to liberating Palestine.”

  • Article (23): “Maintaining relations with Arab countries … with the provision that the armed struggle is not negatively affected.”

  • Article (8): “The Israeli existence in Palestine is a Zionist invasion with a colonial expansive base, and it is a natural ally to colonialism and international imperialism.”

  • Article (7): “The Zionist Movement is racial, colonial, and aggressive in ideology, goals, organization, and method.”

  • Article (24): “Maintaining relations with all liberal forces supporting our just struggle in order to resist together Zionism and imperialism.”

  • Article (4): “The Palestinian struggle is part and parcel of the world-wide struggle against Zionism, colonialism, and international imperialism.”

  • Article (25): “Convincing concerned countries in the world to prevent Jewish immigration to Palestine as a method of solving the problem.”

It is vital that Members of the House know that the Berkley/Blunt resolution is important and strongly supported by the American public. We urge you to call your Member of Congress explaining why the Berkley/Blunt resolution deserves their strong support.

You might like to make the following points:

  • Peace cannot be achieved between two parties when one side is committed to the destruction of the other. The Fatah Constitution clearly shows that Abbas’ Fatah-controlled PA is not committed to a genuine peace settlement with Israel.

  • Concessions should never be made until and unless the other side has clearly demonstrated a strong and sincere desire to live in peace. The Fatah Constitution proves the very opposite of Abbas and Fatah.

  • Fatah has been as involved in the terrorist war on Israel as Hamas. Both groups have murdered over 500 Israelis each since the start of the Palestinian terror wave in September 2000. Revoking its Constitution is only the first step and the very least that must be expected of Fatah before being engaged in negotiations.

  • President Bush was right to say that we need to end terrorist states. We dare not create a new one in the Middle East. That objective will be subverted if rewards and concessions are made the Fatah-controlled PA before it renounces its Constitution.

President Bush is proposing giving the PA $410 million in U.S. taxpayer funded aid. We dare not give them a cent until they renounce this Constitution.
Phone 202-224-3121 & ask for your Member of the House or Senate.

  • Center for Law & Justice
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    We strive to enforce existing law and also to create new law in order to safeguard the rights of the Jewish people in the United States and Israel.