ZOA: Bush Must Demand Retraction And Apology From Abbas
Fatah is commemorating its 43rd anniversary by publishing and distributing a poster of a map that depicts all of Israel as Muslim Arab Palestine, with no recognition whatsoever of the Jewish State. The map shows a multi-colored keffiyeh scarf draped over all of Israel. To the right of the map are a photograph of a smiling Yasser Arafat and a graphic picture of a Kalashnikov rifle.
The poster was approved by the leadership of Fatah, whose leader is Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority. Fatah has not bothered to offer any explanation to the U.S. Administration or the international community for its inflammatory action in promoting this official poster that negates the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Vice President Steven M. Goldberg stated, “This poster graphically depicts the ugly truth about Fatah. It belies the fiction that Mahmoud Abbas is a ‘moderate’ who seeks peace with Israel, and who wishes to end Palestinian terrorism against Israeli Jews. It also makes clear that the principles of Yasser Arafat are respected and promoted. Moreover, the poster is not an aberration. Fatah has never amended its constitution, which explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and the use of terrorism. The Palestinian Authority continues to promote the incitement of hatred in Palestinian mosques, schools and media.
“The ZOA calls on President Bush and Secretary Rice to stop wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on the unreformed terrorist entity that is Fatah, to stop making excuses for Abbas, and to stop pressuring Israel to make dangerous concessions on the altar of appeasement. . Rather than complain about Israel’s building of apartments in Jerusalem, the U.S. Administration must demand that Abbas immediately and publicly halt the distribution of this hateful poster and apologize for its release. If he refuses, it is time for the President to conclude, once and for all, that Abbas is no more moderate than Yasser Arafat, his predecessor and former partner. The ZOA has written a letter to both President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice concerning this issue, urging them to respond immediately.”
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