JTA: Alliance formed to keep Jerusalem unified
ZOA in the news
January 8, 2008

An Israeli group and U.S. Jewish group are banding together to promote a united Jerusalem.

The Coordinating Council on Jerusalem, founded last October by members of several U.S. Jewish groups as a response to renewed discussion of dividing Jerusalem in the lead-up to the Annapolis peace conference, has formed an alliance with the Israeli group One Jerusalem.

Chaired by former refusenik and Knesset member Natan Sharansky, One Jerusalem’s mission is to “maintain a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel.” Founded in 2001 and with some 80,000 members, One Jerusalem is best known for organizing mass rallies in Israel.

The Coordinating Council on Jerusalem was founded by groups including American Friends of Likud, the National Council of Young Israel, the Rabbinical Council of America, the Orthodox Union and the Zionist Organization of America.

“This alliance is an obvious and important step in world Jewry’s effort to keep a united Jerusalem,” said Jeff Ballabon, who is directing the Coordinating Council’s strategy. “One Jerusalem is the established leader on the issue and CCJ’s partnership with them unifies the two largest and most powerful Jewish communities in the world, Israel’s and America’s. We are proud to work together with Natan Sharansky and the visionaries of One Jerusalem.”

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