Action Alert: Support H.Res.951- a bi-partisan resolution condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians and supporting the sovereign right of the Government of Israel to defend its territory and stop the rocket attacks…
January 31, 2008

Action Alert:

Support H.Res.951 – Contact your Representative now to express your support for H.Res.951 and urge them to cosponsor this resolution.

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supports H.Res.951 a bi-partisan resolution condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians and supporting the sovereign right of the Government of Israel to defend its territory and stop the rocket attacks on its citizens. The ZOA applauds Reps. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Eliot Engel (D-NY), Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), and Shelley Berkley (D-NV) for introducing the resolution, and calls upon their colleagues in the House of Representatives to cosponsor this resolution and move it quickly to a committee markup.

Almost daily, Israel has endured a continuing and incessant barrage of missiles and Kassam rockets from Gaza. This onslaught began to intensify following Israeli disengagement from Gaza in 2005, under Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-dominated PA, before Hamas came to power. This terrorizing blitz has continued with greater volume, wider range and increased accuracy under Hamas. More than 1,100 rockets and mortars were fired into Israel in 2006 and more than 2,000 bombarded Israel in 2007. Over 4,000 rockets have been fired since Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, and over 400 of these have been launched since January 1 of this year.

This terror campaign has produced thousands of refugees. Israel has endured dozens of casualties. Hundreds more have suffered shock, and thousands of children have been traumatized — not to mention the damage to Israeli homes and property. This terror campaign has resulted in a sever disruption of daily life in Israel. Ironically, Israel’s often tentative defensive response has resulted in an equally stultifying barrage of criticism — as if any other nation on the planet would even hesitate about defending itself against such a terror campaign.

In such a backwards international environment, it is all important that the Congress of the most powerful nation on earth condemn the Palestinian rocket attacks and express its support for Israel’s self-defense. H.Res. 951 is a clear and concise resolution that calls upon the US Congress to do exactly this.

It is vital that Members of the House deal with this issue with the appropriate urgency. Your immediate action in support of H.Res.951 can help the US Congress speak with one voice.

We encourage you to contact your Representatives to express your support for H.Res.951 and urge them to cosponsor this resolution.

Phone 202-224-3121 & ask for your Member of the House of Representatives. Alternatively, you can obtain this information through our website here by CLICKING HERE.

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