Israel National News: David Wilder – The ZOA in Israel, a Landmark Event in Jerusalem
ZOA in the news
March 3, 2008


The Wilder Way

by David Wilder


Arutz Sheva 18 Adar 5768, 2/24/2008

The ZOA in Israel – A Landmark Event Today in Jerusalem

It didn’t take long to realize that Mort Klein is, without doubt, one of the heroes of present-day Jewry.


Many years ago I had the privilege to meet Mort Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America. It didn’t take long to realize that Mort is, without doubt, one of the heroes of present-day Jewry. Almost singlehandedly Mort Klein took the ZOA, a once prestigious Jewish organization which had, over the years, declined, to the forefront of true Jewish patriotism in the United States. Standing virtually alone amongst major Jewish organizations in the U.S., Mort refused to keep quiet in the face of continued Arab terror and oppression against the state of Israel. Many other organizations, for one reason or another, refused ‘to buck’ policies of the Israeli government, irrespective of their consequences to the Jewish people and the Eretz Yisrael. Israeli state policy was, as far as many were concerned, the equivalent of ‘gospel.’

Mort Klein, realizing the dangers inherent in Oslo, the Hebron and Wye Accords and the planned expulsion from Gush Katif, refused to sit quietly by the side. He stood tall and proud and made his brilliant voice be heard, representing true Zionism in the name of the Zionist Organization of America.  Frequently he found himself standing alone, with other Jewish leaders of major Jewish organizations almost abandoning their brethren in Israel, in order to tow the line of Prime Ministers Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu, Barak and Sharon, on the road to forsaking their land, their people and their beliefs.

Despite its seeming isolation, the ZOA has played a major role influencing policy in Washington, with a permanent presence in the House of Representatives and the Senate. When the ZOA visits Washington for its annual major lobby mission on the Hill, Washington takes notice. Major senators and congressmen welcome ZOA representatives from around the United States, while others address hundreds at the organization’s conference.

Today the ZOA opened a new Israeli office in Jerusalem, headed up by another old friend, Jeff Daube. Jeff, who has dedicated his life to Jewish-Israel activities, recently made aliyah, a very welcome addition to the citizens of the State of Israel.

I have no doubt that Mort Klein, together with Jeff Daube and other devoted individuals, will carry on in the best tradition of the ZOA, supporting Eretz Yisrael, Am Yisrael and Torat Yisrael. I can only add that I am proud to be able to include myself as a friend of these wonderful people.

He stood tall and proud and made his brilliant voice be heard, representing true Zionism in the name of the Zionist Organization of America.

To Mort, Jeff and all the others involved in New York, Washington and Jerusalem, best wishes and lots of luck!



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