Sunday, March 30, 2008
Barack Obama came to
This, after all, is the Chris Matthews who said he “felt this thrill going up my leg” over Obama.
Obama said he could no more disown Wright than his own white grandmother, whom he disparaged as mired in racial stereotypes. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos deemed that part of the speech an “act of honor” — even if it publicly humiliated Grandma and even if Wright’s record of paranoid ranting and raving about racism is anything but honorable.
Inside the sealed liberal-media bubble,
Once he returned to interviews on
Obama brazenly pressed ahead with his crumbling claim to be a uniter of the races. The speech tried to be all things to all people, even as its corroded center remained Slick Barry’s stubborn refusal to spurn the man radio hosts like Mark Levin quickly called “the Wrong Reverend Wright.”
The press was content to let Obama criticize Wright’s view that white racism is endemic, and that
The press was content to let Obama decry that Wright’s sermons were racially charged, but let him claim ignorance of Wright’s racial animus; they let Obama claim that “not once” in his conversations with Wright had he heard Wright talk about any ethnic group “in derogatory terms.” This is simply unbelievable.
In his own memoir “Dreams From My Father,” Obama described how an early meeting with Wright quickly devolved into Wright telling him in paranoid terms that the black man will never be safe in
“White folks’ greed runs a world in need,” but Wright never disparaged whites to Obama’s face? Does Chris Matthews think lying is Lincolnesque?
The press was content to let Obama explain away Wright’s viciousness by suggesting his reverend was raised in a segregated world where opportunities were constricted and blacks had to scratch and claw to get ahead.
But as
The press was content to let Obama explain that the anger and bitterness of Wright’s generation over its experiences with discrimination have not faded. They did not wonder: Since when does a minister of Jesus Christ preach a gospel of bitterness, vengefulness and hatred? What kind of man of God expresses an unwillingness to forgive? Why would Obama the Uniter allow this generational bitterness to be handed on like a legacy to inner-city school children so that they, too, could despise a White World of Greed? Where are the faith and the hope and the charity in that message?
Obama tried to claim that the outbreak of Wright’s poison was a distraction, not a real issue, and the press obediently echoed his complaint. But Barack Obama can’t be a Messiah of Unity and embrace his minister who proclaims “God Damn America” and makes crackpot allegations that the AIDS virus was invented by the government for black genocide.
Embracing Wright is not a distraction. It is a disqualification.
L. Brent Bozell III is president of the