ZOA Criticizes PA’s Abbas For Saying: “We Are Not Asking Hamas To Recognize Israel”
February 13, 2009


The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly criticized Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas, for saying that his Fateh-dominated PA is not asking Hamas, which ejected Fateh from Gaza in 2007 and rules that territory, to recognize Israel. Speaking at a press conference in Ankara, Turkey, Abbas said in the course of asserting that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the sole representative body for Palestinians, that “We are not asking Hamas to recognize Israel, but we are asking for a coalition government which recognizes international legitimacy so we can end the siege imposed on our people once and for all.” Abbas also justified Palestinian terrorism, saying that in line with his statements since mid-Gaza war, that the Palestinian people have the right to resist occupation as long as they live under it, which has always been standard Palestinian apologia for terrorism targeting Israeli civilians. (‘Abbas: We are not asking Hamas to recognize Israel,’ Ma’an News [PA news agency], February 7, 2009).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “The ZOA has long argued that Mahmoud Abbas and the Fateh party that he co-founded with arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat are neither moderate nor peace-makers. Abbas has consistently failed to implement long-standing Palestinian obligations under the Oslo agreements and the 2003 Roadmap peace plan to arrest and jail terrorists, close the bomb factories and end the incitement to hatred and murder in the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps that feeds terrorism.


“Abbas has not condemned terrorism against Israelis or the killers that perpetrate it as a moral obscenity which must end. His claim that the PA accepts Israel, renounces terror and accepted signed agreements is meaningless and untrue – as this latest statement saying that he won’t ask Hamas to recognize Israel simply underscores.


“The PA and Mahmoud Abbas must be sent a clear message that their policy of supporting terror and Israel‘s elimination is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the praise and diplomatic and financial support lavished by world leaders upon Abbas and the PA has permitted them to evade making the indispensable reforms of Palestinian society that alone would make peace and reconciliation possible. Abbas’ latest words should be noted, his extremist record digested and appropriate conclusions drawn – especially by President Obama. In particular, we urge President Obama to make the 700 million dollars in annual aid to the Palestinian Authority conditional on its compliance with the written agreements from Oslo to the Roadmap.


“There can be no purpose negotiating with Abbas as long as it is clear that he would refuse or be unable to fulfill any agreement that might be concluded. Until the PA fulfills its obligations, there is simply no peace process and there should be neither rewards for nor concessions to the PA by Israel, the U.S. or any other state.”

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