Poll: Israelis Overwhelmingly Oppose Creating Palestinian State
July 29, 2009


71% Israelis support Jewish construction

freeze only if there’s Pales. constr. freeze




A new poll has found that the overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews (70% to 15%) support autonomy for Palestinians, not the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, believing that this better serves Israeli interests. (Even among left-wing Kadima voters, 72% supported autonomy over statehood, with 16% disagreeing). The poll also showed high levels of support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisting on a Palestinian construction freeze in Judea and Samaria should Israel agree to a freeze on Jewish construction in these territories (71% – 20%). Additionally, almost the same number of Israeli Jews believe that it is as important to keep building in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) as it is to build in the Galilee and the Negev (43% – 48%).


The poll, conducted by the respected Maagar Mohot Survey Institute on July 26, also found that nearly two-thirds of Israeli Jews (62% to 27%) believe that Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas seeks ultimately to replace Israel rather than merely establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Also, Israeli Jews believe by a margin of 58% to 12%, that future Palestinian leaders will not honor agreements that Abbas may sign.


Additionally, 64% of Israeli Jews believe Israel would not be able to trust international pledges for its security in return for withdrawing Jewish communities from Judea and Samaria, as opposed to merely 9% who think it could (Zack Colman, ‘Poll: Israelis wary of PA leadership, Jerusalem Post, July 24, 2009; ‘Maagar Mochot Poll  finds strong support for Palestinian autonomy over sovereign state, freeze on Palestinian construction to match Jewish freeze,’ Independent Media Review & Analysis,’ July 24, 2009).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “This latest poll confirms strongly other recent poll results that show Israelis do not support the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, do not trust the PA leadership and therefore oppose concession to them in return for signed agreements and also that they are opposed to freezing Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria. Several polls in recent months and years have clearly supported these findings.


“Just as 62% of Israeli Jews today do not believe Mahmoud Abbas to be a genuine peace maker who accepts Israel’s permanence and legitimacy as a Jewish state and just as 58% of Israeli Jews today do not trust future PA leaders to honor any agreement Abbas may sign, a nearly identical number – 63% – believed, according to a December 2008 War and Peace Index poll, that the Palestinians do not accept Israel and would destroy it if they could. Or, again, just as 64% of Israeli Jews today believe Israel would not be able to trust international pledges for its security in return for withdrawing Jewish communities from Judea and Samaria, 59% of Jewish Israelis were found in an October 2007 Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research poll to oppose major concessions, like dividing Jerusalem, even in return for a peace agreement.


“These results and others like it show the Israeli Jewish public understands that the PA and its leadership are not peace-partners and therefore oppose a concessionary policy to the Palestinians, especially one leading to the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state. This poll and others clearly show that they oppose the racist plan being pushed upon Israel by the Obama Administration that demands that no Jews be allowed to build legally authorized homes in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, while insisting that Israel permit even illegal Arab building in these territories. President Obama has gone around the world apologizing for the U.S. for dictating policy to other countries, yet forcefully dictates policy to Israel.”


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