ZOA Expresses Condolences On The Death Of Senator Ted Kennedy
August 26, 2009



            The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) expressed its condolences to the family and friends of U.S. Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy of Massachusetts, who died Tuesday night following a courageous battle with brain cancer.  He was 77 years old.


            Senator Kennedy had a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Senate where he was an influential and effective legislator on health care, civil rights, education and immigration reform.  Senator Kennedy played an important role in advocating for Soviet Jewry, helping to gain the release of many Soviet refuseniks, including Natan Sharansky.


            Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid tribute to Senator Kennedy, calling him “an American patriot and one of Israel’s greatest friends.”  Israel’s Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, praised Kennedy as “a great friend to Israel and to the Jewish people.”


            In expressing his condolences, the ZOA’s National President, Morton A. Klein, described Senator Kennedy as “a friend to Israel and one of the most powerful lawmakers in the history of our country whose legislative achievements have had an impact on the lives of all Americans.”



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