When former PA prime minister Ahmed Qureia opened proceedings, he did so “in the name of shahids (martyrs, i.e. dead terrorists)” – not exactly the words of a peace partner who has accepted
But this should not surprise. Fatah has never formally recognized
That is why Abbas has now told the conference that “we maintain the right to launch an armed resistance, which is legitimate as far as international law is concerned.” Most statements by other Fatah leaders reflect these views.
Marwan Al-Barghouti, the jailed Fatah terrorist chief who is widely regarded as a future Fatah leader, said in an interview coinciding with the conference that “Resistance to the Israeli occupation is a national obligation, and it is a legitimate right.” Some weeks earlier, he said that “Fatah believes in a combination of all forms of struggle, and it will not abandon, thwart, or rule out any form of struggle
We in Fatah think that political activity and negotiations complement resistance, and harvest its fruits.”
Fatah spokesman Fahmi Al-Zaarir stated, “It is not possible to rule out or to marginalize the military option. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades [Fatahs armed force and a recognized terrorist group] are the jewel in Fatahs crown … We know that every warrior has a [period of] rest – and also we know that this does not mean the end of the national battle, but only a wait to obtain the goals, and to give the leadership sufficient opportunity for political activity.”
And senior Fatah official Jibril Rajoub said, “Resistance was and is a tactical and strategic option of the struggle are part of Fatah`s policy.”
In short, terrorism is merely one of several means that Fatah uses – and which it glorified yet again at this conference, which was festooned with posters of Palestinian youth carrying rifles.
Thus, there was loud applause from assembled delegates when Qureia praised two terrorists, Khaled Abu-Isbah and Dalal Mughrabi, responsible for the 1978 coastal road bus hijacking, in which 37 Israelis, including 12 children, were slaughtered. Qureia praised these bestial murderers as “heroes” and “shahids,” shouting “All the glory! All the glory! All the glory! All the sisters here are Dalals sisters.”
The Fatah platform also continues to demand the so-called right of return to
Tragically, Fatahs glorification of terrorism and the goal of removing
Accordingly, Israeli cabinet minister Yuli Edelstein is right to say that the latest Fatah platform is “a declaration of war. We must not act as if we havent heard. We must emerge from the circle of illusions that these are moderates who want peace.”
Basically, this is a fraud and mockery of peace. Not only has the Palestinian leadership never fulfilled its 16-year-old commitments to accept
(Morton A. Klein is National President Zionist Organization of