Several Dozen Student Leaders Depart on ZOA Mission to Israel
December 22, 2009

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is pleased to announce that several dozen outstanding pro-Israel student leaders will be departing on December 23 for Israel on the annual ZOA Student Leadership Mission to Israel.  They will return on January 17, 2010.  These students come from campuses throughout America, and will be using the ZOA Mission as a springboard for future pro-Israel activism.  Josh Nason, Director of ZOA’s Division of Campus Activities, said “We are excited to be bringing such a terrific group of students to Israel.  This trip is one-of-a-kind.  We know that the students who return from it will not only be inspired, but also become quite knowledgeable about the facts necessary to defend Israel on campus.”

The ZOA Student Leadership Mission to Israel is a unique opportunity, allowing students to learn the facts about Israel by seeing the land, meeting with Israelis and Israeli leaders, and understanding its history.  The ZOA Mission is one of the only student trips to Israel that allow students to experience the Jewish communities in Judea & Samaria and the Golan Heights.  They will visit Ariel, Efrat, Elon Moreh, Ma’aleh Adumim, Hebron, Gush Etzion, and more.  They will learn about the ancient history of the Jewish people and their connection to the Land.  Students will also have a chance to tour Israel’s strategic border regions in the North and South.  The ZOA Mission will visit Sderot and the Western Negev to gain insight into the rocket threat from Gaza, and show solidarity with the citizens of that region.  In the North, ZOA student leaders will tour the Golan Heights and gain understanding of the Jewish connection to that area and its strategic importance.


In addition to touring throughout the land of Israel, the ZOA Student Leadership Mission to Israel will spend time in Jerusalem meeting with Knesset Members, journalists, policy experts, and military leaders.  Speakers scheduled to speak to the ZOA Mission include: Ambassador Dore Gold, Lt. General Moshe Ya’alon, MK Aryeh Eldad, MK Danny Danon, Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch, and more.  The students will also have a chance to spend two fabulous Shabbats in Israel; one in Jerusalem and one with host families in Efrat.

Highlighting the need to continue to teach students the truth of the Mideast situation, David Kadosh, ZOA Campus Coordinator, said “the best way we can fight the anti-Israel propaganda on campus is by teaching our pro-Israel students the truth of the Arab war against Israel and the legal, political, and religious rights Jews have to this Land, no matter what the final outcome may be.  This mission to Israel is a powerful way to do that.”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “The ZOA is proud to be sending such committed young activists to Israel for what will be the trip of a lifetime.  We are thrilled that this trip is helping prepare the pro-Israel leaders of tomorrow, while energizing and activating the Jewish college students of today.”

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