Poll: Israelis Believe By Nearly 3 To 1 That Obama Is Pro-palestinian
December 24, 2009


A new poll shows that President Barack Obama, who has endured record-low levels of Israeli popularity for any American president, is regarded as pro-Palestinian by three- to-one ratio of Israelis. According to the poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Survey Research this month, only 13% of Israelis regard President Obama’s policy as more supportive of Israel than the Palestinians, as opposed to nearly three times that figure – 37% – who believe it is more supportive of the Palestinians. The poll also showed that nearly two-thirds of Israelis – 65% – believe that it is impossible to reach a final peace agreement with the Palestinians (‘Joint Israeli Palestinian Poll, December 2009,’ Palestinian Center for Survey Research, December 22, 2009).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “It is striking that, by a three to one margin, Israelis believe that the Obama Administration is pro-Palestinian rather than pro-Israeli. As ZOA noted earlier in the year, President Obama’s popularity in Israel underwent a dramatic fall following the very public pressure exerted on Israel by his Administration to freeze all Jewish construction in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem; his June 4 Cairo speech and other policy moves and statements that suggested a downgrading of ties and support for Israel.


“This is after all a President who has gone out of his way to demand virtually the unilateral establishment of a Palestinian state, which will certainly be a terrorist state antagonistic to Israel, while putting no serious pressure on the Palestinians to arrest terrorists or end incitement against Jews and Israelis.


“Despite somewhat easing off with pressure on a Jewish construction freeze and a less confrontational atmosphere, this poll shows Israelis remaining deeply concerned about this President.”

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