A new job for David Axelrod,
Another for Rahm Emmanuel,
Susan Sher, for First Lady Michelle.
Howard Berman was hot on Iran,
Drawing heat on health: Joe Lieberman.
Al and Barney, thats Franken and Frank,
Covered the Democrats leftward flank.
What to say about Arlen Specter,
Phillys own GOP defector?
Now Eric Cantor must lead the race
To diversify his partys face.
Making big waves were Robert Bernstein,
Labors Stuart Appelbaum, Amy Dean,
Irving Moskowitz and Jane Ramsey.
Joel Engleman fought pederasty.
Speaking for the poor, the noble Ruth,
A dogged Messinger for the truth
That serving others is not a flaw.
While Marsha Levick, she used the law
To help the children unfairly jailed.
A different legal trouble tailed
Steve Rosen, but his good name was cleared.
Jeremy Ben-Ami: praised and jeered,
But J Streets presence is now a fact
Even Mort Klein might agree to that!
Sara Hurwitz broke a glass ceiling.
Reb Shmuley left Gadhafi reeling!
Alysa Stanton walked brave new ground.
Sarah Lefton, she used sight and sound
To spread Torah, while Jay Michaelson
Taught Everythings God and God is one.
Steven Wernick was just tapped to lead
Conservative Jews, but will they heed?
Will Reform Jews move to the center,
With Eric Yoffie as their mentor?…