New Poll: Large Majority Of American Jews Oppose Dividing J’lem & Believe Arab Goal Is Israel’s Destruction
April 14, 2010

Increasing opposition to establishing a Palestinian state





A new survey has found that a large majority of American Jews – 61% to 35% – are opposed to Israel giving up any part of Jerusalem, even within “the framework of a permanent peace,” while an overwhelming majority – 75% to 20% – believe that “The goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel.” The American Jewish Committee 2010 Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion, conducted March 2 – March 23, 2010, also found:


·        An overwhelming majority of American Jews (94% to 3%) believe that Palestinians should be required to recognize Israel as a Jewish state in a final peace agreement.


·        American Jews support by 53% to 42% the United States taking military action against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.


·        American Jews support by 62% to 33% Israel taking military action against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.


·        An overwhelming majority of American Jews (98% to 2%) believe that anti-Semitism in the Muslim world is currently a problem.


·        An overwhelming majority of American Jews (91% to 9%) believe that anti-Semitism in the United States is currently a problem.


·        50% of American Jews believe that, over the next several years, anti-Semitism around the world will increase, 41% believe it will remain the same, whereas only 8% believe it will decrease.


·        American Jews are split on establishing a Palestinian state under current conditions (47% in favor to 45% opposed), reflecting the absence in recent years of the majority American Jewish support for this position that once existed. This split exists despite the fact that virtually all American Jewish organizations and most Israeli prime ministers and American presidents have supported Palestinian statehood, indicating that American Jews realize that a Palestinian state would be simply a terrorist regime (American Jewish Committee 2010 Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion, March 2 – March 23, 2010).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “This latest survey confirms that American Jews understand the intention of Arab regimes to eliminate Israel. This explains their increasing opposition to further Israeli concessions being made to them. For example, the finding that 75% of American Jews believe that Arabs seek Israel’s elimination, not territorial concessions from Israel, was identical to last year’s finding. This year, American Jews opposed dividing Jerusalem by 61% to 35%, even in return for a permanent peace, whereas last year they opposed it by 58% to 37%. This year, 94% supported the proposition that Palestinians should be required to recognize Israel as a Jewish state in a final peace agreement, a figure identical to last year’s result.


“This survey also offers a detailed and devastating rebuttal to the contrived argument of J Street and other far-left activists masquerading as supporters of Israel that they represent mainstream American Jewry. To the contrary, it is clear that American Jewry does not support the one-sided, concessionary policies towards the Palestinians which J Street is urging on the Obama Administration and Israel to adopt.


“If three-quarters of American Jewry believe that the Arabs seek to destroy Israel; if most American Jews do not want to divide Jerusalem, even in return for a permanent peace agreement, and if most American Jews support either American or Israeli military action to stop Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, then most American Jews clearly do not support the positions espoused by J Street.


“Even the small plurality of support recorded here in support of a Palestinian state must be read in light of these other findings. In doing so, it becomes apparent that support for a Palestinian state’s establishment often does not stem from a belief that it will bring peace and security, but rather from a belief that tactical considerations might require something of the kind.


“It is remarkable that when you have an American president and Administration never losing an opportunity to promote the formation of a Palestinian state; when almost all American Jewish organizations support that position, as well as much of Congress and almost the whole world, one can find 45% of American Jews opposing these policies – an increase over last year’s finding of 41% – while those in favor lack a majority. This shows that rank and file American Jews now understand the dangers of creating a Palestinian state. The same applies, even more strongly, regarding ideas like dividing Jerusalem, where there is clear – and growing – majority American Jewish opposition.”


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