ZOA Praises Obama Admin. For Condemning Abbas’ P.A. For Denying Jewish Connection To Jerusalem’s Western Wall
December 1, 2010


The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the Obama Administration for condemning Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) for an official PA document that denies any Jewish historical right or claim to the Jerusalem’s Western Wall , the only remnant of the outer retaining wall of the biblical Jewish temples which, other than Temple Mount itself, is Judaism’s holiest site. The State Department’s P.J. Crowley, stated yesterday, “regarding a claim by a senior Palestinian official that the Western Wall is an Islamic Waqf, we strongly condemn these comments and fully reject them as factually incorrect, insensitive, and highly provocative. We have repeatedly raised with the Palestinian Authority leadership the need to consistently combat all forms of delegitimization of Israel, including denying historic Jewish connections to the land” (State Department Daily Press Briefing, November 30, 2010).


As the ZOA noted earlier this week, PA officials have a long history of denying Jewish rights and connection to Jerusalem and Israel.


ZOA National President Morton. A. Klein said, “We commend the Obama Administration for condemning this latest instance of PA anti-Semitic, inflammatory denial of Jewish history and rights in Jerusalem. Till now, the PA has had no incentive to act on its signed obligations, which include ending incitement in its controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps. It has been able to vilify Jews and Israelis without suffering any reprimand, let alone consequences.


“We praise the Administration for taking this first step in dealing with Palestinian anti-Semitic incitement, noting that, unfortunately, such Palestinian anti-peace acts have generally been ignored. We have had occasion to note in the past many instances of glorification of terrorists, extremist, pro-terror Fatah platforms denying Israel right to exist as Jewish state that were ignored or even white-washed by the Obama Administration. We have also been deeply critical of the increased levels of U.S. aid given to the PA, most recently, at a time it is refusing even to negotiate. There must be consequences for PA acts. We fervently hope that this condemnation marks a new departure in the direction of holding the PA accountable for its pro-terror, anti-peace acts.


“It is unlikely that the Arab and Muslim worlds will accept Israel’s right to exist as Jewish state for many years, perhaps generations, perhaps ever. But if and when change comes, it will at least in large part start with Palestinians genuinely accept Israel’s legitimacy and ceasing to take refuge in a falsified, counterfeit history that eliminates the Jewish people from the picture. That is why it is vital that the U.S. and Israel both insist on an end to this Palestinian propaganda of denial and falsification and make further aid and negotiations to the PA conditional on its termination. To do otherwise is to ensure the prolongation of the Arab war on Israel. The Obama Administration and Israel should demand that the PA to repudiate this absurd, pernicious study before engaging in further talks with it.”

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