ZOA Demands Facebook’s Zuckerberg To Delete Page Calling For Terror War Against Israel
March 28, 2011

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has written to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook, to demand that he remove a Facebook page, ‘Third Palestinian Intifada,’ which calls for a ‘third Intifada’ – a terrorist wave, intending to murder Israelis, civilian and military – to commence on May 15, 2011, the 63rd anniversary of Israel’s independence. The Facebook page in question, which has over 230,000 friends and over 28,2000 people who have recorded ‘liking’ it, is replete with photographs, video-clips and postings calling for violence and murder of Israelis and Jews and for ‘liberating’ Jerusalem and ‘Palestine’ through war, violence and acts of terror.


In a letter to Mr. Zuckerberg, ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “A perusal of this Facebook page makes clear that a wide-ranging campaign of violence and murder against Israeli military and civilians is being planned. The organizers of this racist, anti-Semitic campaign do not believe that the Jewish state of Israel has a right to exist. They call for coordinated attacks by Palestinians and other Arabs upon Israel, including rocket attacks upon Israeli cities by the Lebanese, Iranian-backed Hizballah terrorist group.


“As founder and CEO of Facebook, you are in a position of enormous responsibility to ensure that this pioneering social media outlet does not serve as a recruiting and coordination office for terrorists, extremists and murderers attempting to orchestrate a terrorist war. Already in recent days, and perhaps in part in anticipation of a build-up to this ‘third intifada,’ increased rocket attacks have been launched upon Israel from Gaza by Hamas, a recognized terrorist movement that calls in its Charter for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews. That includes murdering you and your family, Mr. Zuckerberg. There has also been a bomb attack in Jerusalem, one of the very few to have occurred in recent years, in which one person was murdered and forty other wounded, several of them critically.


“The 2000 Arafat terror war, also known as the second or Al Aqsa intifada, resulted in years of suicide bombings and the deaths of nearly 2,000 Israelis and the wounding and maiming of thousands more. The first intifada raged for four years and saw scores of Israelis killed and hundreds wounded. We urge you not to permit Facebook to be used for a recruitment and coordination in the service of a viciously anti-Israel, anti-Jewish campaign. I would be pleased to discuss this very important matter with you at any time.”

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