Two Weeks In Abbas’ PA – Honoring Terrorist Mughrabi, Glorifying Hitler
January 11, 2012


The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to new, stunning examples of the continuing virulent hate propaganda and incitement to hatred and violence suffusing Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) during the last two weeks. In this two week period, PA media glorified the most deadly Palestinian terrorist attack upon Israelis and its leader, and the PA official youth magazine glorified Adolf Hitler while the PA lied by claiming that it teaches Palestinian children about the Holocaust, when it does not.


Palestinian Authority (PA) TV broadcasts glorified the 1978 coastal road terror attack, the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, with two music videos glorifying Dalal Mughrabi, who lead the terrorist squad that perpetrated the massacre of 37 Israelis, including a dozen children. One PA TV music video described the terrorists as “heroes… who shook the land, brought down mountains,” and mentioned how “the coast was stormy with the glory of Dalal Mughrabi.” Another video, which was broadcast three times, also honored the terrorists, describing them as having “no fear of death or the darkness of prison.” Both videos showed pictures of Dalal Mughrabi and her team of terrorists sailing in rubber boats, going ashore on the Israeli coast as they went towards their terror attack. Also, the official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,  chose to include the following article glorifying Fatah’s violence and specifically mentioning Mughrabi, by columnist Fathi Al-Biss, who wrote, “The Fatah in my mind is glory; honor; sacrifice; giving; defiance; resistance; dedication of life, blood and property; altruism, humility, love, the meeting on the battlefield, respect for others… The Fatah in my mind is … the heroism of Dalal Mughrabi…The Fatah in my mind is the first bullet; the first blood; and the first echoing scream that split the skies calling for revolution, for liberty…” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 1, 2012, translation in ‘PA TV celebrates terror attack that killed 37 civilians to commemorate Fatah anniversary,’ Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) bulletin, January 9, 2012).


In Zayzafuna, the PA-funded youth magazine, an essay appeared in which Hitler tells a young girl in her dream that he killed the Jews “so you would all know that they are a nation which spreads destruction all over the world. And what I ask of you is to be resilient and patient, concerning the suffering that Palestine is experiencing at their hands.” In her dream, the girl then thanks Hitler for his advice. While the PA spokesman Ghassan Khatib repudiated this essay as “not acceptable,” he falsely asserted that “We educate young people in our textbooks about the Holocaust and the massacres of Hitler against Jews and against others, and we refer to these massacres as crimes against humanity.” In fact, PA school textbooks do not mention of the Holocaust, fail to refer to the crimes for which the Nazis were tried at Nuremberg and do not explain that the victims of these crimes and racism were Jews. The PA has either denied that the Holocaust ever happened, distorted it by saying that Jews planned it themselves, or minimized the extent on the extermination (‘PA spokesman falsely tells media:PA schoolbooks include Holocaust education,’ PMW bulletin, January 4, 2012).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “Last year, President Obama said that Mahmoud Abbas must ‘do everything he can to prevent acts of incitement or delegitimization of Israel.’ He also said that ‘we will hold the Palestinians accountable for their actions and for their rhetoric.’ Given the poisonous rhetoric and anti-peace actions emanating from the PA in the last two weeks alone, the ZOA renews its call upon President Obama to publicly and immediately condemn the PA. We urge him to do so in light of the fact that the U.S. under his presidency has doubled U.S. taxpayer’s aid to Abbas’ PA to nearly $1 billion in the past year even as the PA continues to incite Palestinians to hatred and murder, glorifies terrorists and brainwashes a new generation into believing terrorism is a sacred duty. We particularly urge him to discontinue funding to the PA, as urged last year on a bipartisan basis by the overwhelming majority of Congress.”


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