ZOA: Abbas’ PA Merges with Terrorist Group Hamas – Now U.S. Must End Ties/Aid to PA
February 6, 2012

 Fatah shockingly proclaims there are no missiles in Gaza



The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called for an end to U.S. ties and financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) following the PA/Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas’ agreement in Qatar to form a unified Palestinian government for Judea, Samaria and Gaza with the terrorist organization Hamas. Hamas calls in its Charter for the destruction of Israel (Article 15) and the murder of Jews (Article 7), and has launched over 10,000 missiles on Israeli civilians.


A statement issued in Doha and read by Qatar’s Prime Minister Hamad bin Jasem al Thani said that the two sides have agreed, “…to form the Palestinian government of national agreement composed of qualified independents and headed by the President, whose mission will be to prepare for presidential and legislative elections and to start Gaza reconstruction” (‘Doha Agreement says Abbas will Head Government,’ WAFA [PLO news agency], February 2, 2012).


Under the agreement, Abbas would assume the role of prime minister, replacing Western-backed Salam Fayyad, whose continuance as PA prime minister is opposed by Hamas. The interim government, led by Abbas, will prepare for elections in which Hamas will participate, and would serve until voting takes place.


At a press conference in Qatar on Monday, Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mashaal said, “We are serious, both Fatah and Hamas, in healing the wounds and ending the chapter of division and reinforcing and accomplishing reconciliation … to resist the enemy (Israel) and achieve our national goals.” Abbas has promised that “this effort will be implemented in the shortest time possible,” (‘Hamas, Fatah agree on unity gov’t; Abbas to be PM,’ Jerusalem Post, February 2, 2012).



Fatah shockingly proclaims there are no missiles in Gaza


Senior PA official Nabil Sha’ath has confirmed that the unity government will take complete responsibility for the management of the Gaza Strip, including security matters. Asked if the unity government would be responsible for the thousands of rockets and missiles now deployed in Gaza, Sha’ath replied, “What missiles?  This is propaganda” (‘Nabil Shaath to IMRA: PA will take complete responsibility for Gaza – denies rockets are there,’ Independent Media Review Analysis, February 6, 2012).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “By agreeing in Doha to a unity government with Hamas, Mahmoud Abbas and the PA have indicated clearly that they have no qualms at uniting in government with a genocidal terrorist organization. That Abbas and the PA stand for not recognizing Israel as a Jewish state; not negotiating with Israel; not arresting terrorists and outlawing terrorist groups; and not ending incitement to hatred and murder in the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps has been clear for years and demonstrated in countless ways. Now, Abbas’ Fatah/PA has decided on a unity government, as Abbas, puts it, in “’the shortest time possible.’” This means that U.S ties and all aid to the PA must end now.


“This agreement conspicuously exposes the true face of the PA’s goals and ideology, which has always been – whether under Arafat or Abbas – to destroy Israel and murder its Jewish population. How could the PA profess to seek peace with Israel when it merges with an entity that openly proclaims its goal of destroying Israel and its people?


“The Jewish people dare not take this development lightly. Jewish history teaches us that when someone threatens to murders Jews, we should take him seriously. Such threats by a German madman in the 1930s were ignored, with tragic results.


“It is also clear that the PA will have responsibility for all that occurs in Gaza, including the firing of rockets into Israel. Israel must fearlessly draw the inevitable conclusion if rocket attacks continue, and respond in full force.


“One day, historians will marvel that with all the abundant, overflowing evidence of PA bad faith, continuing extremism, glorification of terror and commitment to destroying Israel, anyone could actually ask Israel with a straight face to trust the PA and make concessions to it.  How can the U.S. or anyone support a Palestinian State when it clearly will become yet another Arab terrorist, racist state controlled by Iran and Hamas?


“By any reasonable accounting, it is clear that Abbas’ PA has no intention of making a permanent peace and establishing a peaceful state alongside Israel. As we have said innumerable times, the PA is not a peace partner and all ties and financial aid to it should be cut. 


“Now that Hamas has agreed to form a unity government with Hamas, all U.S. ties and aid must end, starting today.”


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