ZOA Condemns Nazi-Like Statements to Murder Jews & Destroy Israel by Iranian, Palestinian Authority, Hamas and other Muslim Leaders
February 15, 2012

Dangerous Atmosphere Created





The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the Nazi-like statements calling for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel reported in recent weeks by Iranian, Palestinian Authority, Hamas and other Muslim leaders and has called upon Jewish organizations to condemn these horrors.


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We heard such blatantly murderous statements in the 1930s and no-one heeded them. We dare not repeat this tragic error. We urge the Obama Administration, Congress and Jewish and American Muslim leaders to condemn these statements which, as the list we provide below demonstrates, are not exceptional but, on the contrary, represent the long-expressed, frequently repeated intentions of several Muslim regimes, terrorist organizations and leaders. We also call upon Muslim leaders to condemn these vile statements. These statements have been made, over and over, for decades. Why aren’t Muslims leaders speaking out?”



Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification’ to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”


“47 years ago the [Fatah] revolution started. Which revolution? The modern revolution of the Palestinian people’s history. In fact, Palestine in its entirety is a revolution, since [Caliph] Umar came [to conquer Jerusalem in 637 CE], and continuing today, and until the End of Days.

The reliable Hadith (tradition attributed to Muhammad), [found] in the two reliable collections, Bukhari and Muslim, says:

The Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until you fight the Jews.
The Jew will hide behind stones or trees.
Then the stones or trees will call:
“Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’
Except the Gharqad tree [which will keep silent].”


“My dear ones, you are victorious and your enemies are defeated. You will stay and your enemies, who are the enemies of humanity, are on the slippery slope to destruction. You are honorable and respected and your Zionist enemies are shamed, wretched and pitiful.” 


 “If we are subjected to any attack by Israel I do not think we will need more than 11 days to wipe Israel out of existence.”


“If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels – not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, but because Allah said: “The Jews say that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is the son of Allah. These are the words from their mouths. They imitate the sayings of the disbelievers before. May Allah fight them. How deluded they are.” It is Allah who said that they are infidels.

Your belief regarding the Jews should be, first, that they are infidels, and second, that they are enemies. They are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing. Allah said: “You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the disbelievers [sic] to be the Jews and the polytheists.” Third, you must believe that the Jews will never stop fighting and killing us. They [fight] not for the sake of land and security, as they claim, but for the sake of their religion: “And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you back you’re your religion, if they can.” This is it. We must believe that our fighting with the Jews is eternal, and it will not end until the final battle – and this is the fourth point. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth.

It is not me who says so. The Prophet said: “Judgment Day will not come until you fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind stones and trees, and the stones and tree will call: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him – except for the Gharqad tree, which is the tree of the Jews.” I have heard that they are planting many of these trees now.


As for you Jews – the curse of Allah upon you. The curse of Allah upon you, whose ancestors were apes and pigs. You Jews have sown hatred in our hearts, and we have bequeathed it to our children and grandchildren. You will not survive as long as a single one of us remains.


Oh Jews, may the curse of Allah be upon you. Oh Jews… Oh Allah, bring Your wrath, punishment, and torment down upon them. Allah, we pray that you transform them again, and make the Muslims rejoice again in seeing them as apes and pigs. You pigs of the earth! You pigs of the earth! You kill the Muslims with that cold pig [blood] of yours.”


“(Israel) has reached the end of its function and will soon disappear off the geographical domain.”


“Those who think they can revive the stinking corpse of the usurping and fake Israeli regime by throwing a birthday party are seriously mistaken… Today the reason for the Zionist regime’s existence is questioned and this regime is on its way to annihilation…has reached the end like a dead rat after being slapped by the Lebanese.”


“The time has come to see the weakness and collapse of the Zionist regime and its supporters. They are doing everything in order to save it, but they will not succeed.”


March, 2008: “Gaza is the beginning, the real issue is elsewhere. They should know that both in the prelude and in the real thing they face a defeat and this time they will be uprooted.”


“Now we are left with one question: Will Israel cease to exist one day? … Yes … Israel will cease to exist.”


“World powers have created a black and dirty microbe named the Zionist regime and have unleashed it like a savage animal on the nations of the region.”


·         January 2008 – Ahmadinejad

“I advise you to abandon the filthy Zionist entity which has reached the end of the line… It has lost its reason to be and will sooner or later fall. The ones who still support the criminal Zionists should know that the occupiers’ days are numbered.”


“It is impossible that the Zionist regime will survive. Collapse is in the nature of this regime because it has been created on aggression, lying, oppression and crime…”


“Our support (for the Palestinian people) is unconditional. As for the Israelis, let them go find somewhere else.”


“The Zionist regime is the standard bearer of invasion, occupation and Satan …When the philosophy behind the establishment of a regime is in question, it is not unlikely that it will find itself on a course of decline and dissolution.”


”In Lebanon, the corrupt, arrogant powers and the Zionist regime did all they could in an unfair 33-day war. But after 60 years [Israel’s] greatness fell apart … The countdown to this regime’s destruction started through the hands of Hezbollah’s children …We will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future thanks to the endeavours of all Palestinian and Lebanese fighters.”


“God willing, in the near future we will witness the destruction of the corrupt occupier regime…”


“I want to tell [Western counties] that just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and does not exist anymore, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out and humanity will be free.”


“The Zionist regime is on the slope of disappearance and the freedom movement and the struggles of the Palestinian people have more success every day…It is the religious duty of all Muslims to stand by the Palestines [sic] …The continued crimes of the Zionist regime will only accelerate the downfall of this fake regime.”


“The great powers created the Zionist regime to extend their domination in the region. Every day this regime is massacring Palestinians…As this regime goes against the path of life, we will soon see its disappearance and its destruction.”


“This regime (Israel) will be gone, definitely…”You (the Western powers) should know that any government that stands by the Zionist regime from now on will not see any result but the hatred of the people…The wrath of the region’s people is boiling… You should not complain that we did not give a warning. We are saying this explicitly now…”


“Nations in the region will be more furious every day. It won’t take long before the wrath of the people turns into a terrible explosion that will wipe the Zionist entity off the map…The basic problem in the Islamic world is the existence of the Zionist regime, and the Islamic world and the region must mobilize to remove this problem. It is a usurper that our enemies made and imposed on the Muslim world, a regime that prevented the progress of the region’s nations, a regime that all Muslims must join hands in isolating worldwide.”


·         February 2006 – Khaled Mashaal, Hamas Political Bureau Chairman:

“Before Israel dies, it must be humiliated and degraded. Allah willing, before they die, they will experience humiliation and degradation every day… Allah willing, we will make them lose their eyesight, we will make them lose their brains.” 


·         August 2006 – Ahmadinejad:

“At a “special session” of the OIC in August of the same year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for “the elimination of the Zionist regime,” a statement that OIC failed to condemn.”


“Our position on the Middle East is clear. We want the root of tensions to be removed. During these sixty years what was the root of massacres, crimes and conflicts? … The solution is clear and nothing has changed.”


“Nations in the region will be more furious every day. It won’t take long before the wrath of the people turns into a terrible explosion that will wipe the Zionist entity off the map…The basic problem in the Islamic world is the existence of the Zionist regime, and the Islamic world and the region must mobilize to remove this problem. It is a usurper that our enemies made and imposed on the Muslim world, a regime that prevented the progress of the region’s nations, a regime that all Muslims must join hands in isolating worldwide.”


·         December 2005 – Then-Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mehdi Akef:

“I declared that we will not recognize Israel which is an alien entity in the region. And we expect the demise of this cancer soon.”


“With the establishment of the state of Israel, the entire Islamic nation was lost, because Israel is a cancer spreading through the body of the Islamic nation, and because the Jews are a virus resembling AIDS, from which the entire world suffers … The day will come when everything will be relieved of the Jews … We have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world – except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule, because they are treacherous by nature, as they have been throughout history. The day will come when everything will be relieved of the Jews – even the stones and trees which were harmed by them. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew.”


“Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map and this was a very wise statement. We cannot compromise over the issue of Palestine… I have no doubt that the new wave that has started in Palestine, and we witness it in the Islamic world too, will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world. But we must be aware of tricks.”


·         October 2002 – Nasrallah

“If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.”


“If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession … the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave anything in Israel.”


·         1998 – Hafiz Saeed, leader of Laisha e-Toiba in Pakistan:

“At this time our contest is Kashmir. Let’s see when the time comes. Our struggle with the Jews is always there.”


·         September 1993: PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat

“Since we cannot defeat Israel in war we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish sovereignty there and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel.” [same day of Oslo signing ceremony]


·         March 1992 – Hizballah Statement:

“It is an open war until the elimination of Israel and until the death of the last Jew on earth.”


·         1988 – Hamas Charter, Article 7:

“The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the links in the chain of the struggle against the Zionist invaders … the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah’s promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.’ (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).”


·         February 1980 – PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat

“Peace for us means the destruction of Israel . We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations.”

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