ZOA Praises Florida State Legislature for Passage of Historic Resolution Recognizing Israel’s Right to All of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem
March 2, 2012

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) offers its highest praise of the Florida Legislature’s unanimous passage of Senate Resolution 1396 and House Resolution 1447.

Senate Resolution 1396 was passed on February 1, 2012. It was sponsored by Senator Alan Hays and was co-sponsored by all 39 other members of the Florida Senate, the highest possible expression of support that the Resolution could receive.

House Resolution 1447 was passed on February 29, 2012. It was sponsored by Representative Scott Plakon, and was co-sponsored by a group of 29 other representatives, including 20 Republicans and 9 Democrats. The resolution was passed 108-0.

Among its many important factual recitations the resolution explicitly states that:

§  “the 650,000 Jews presently residing in the areas of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem reside there legitimately.”

§  “those same haters of Israel also hate, and seek to destroy, the United States of America.”

§  “the members of [Florida’s Legislature] support Israel in its legal, historical, moral and God-given right of self-governance and self-defense upon the entirety of its own lands, recognizing that Israel is neither an attacking force nor an occupier of the lands of others, and that peace can be afforded the region only through a whole and united Israel governed under one law for all people.”

Florida’s resolution is an enhanced version of a resolution that also received bi-partisan support in the South Carolina Legislature, where it passed unanimously in June of 2011. The strong and honest language used in the resolution recognizes that the right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel is unquestionably superior, and that Jerusalem and the West Bank must remain united under Israeli sovereignty for the sake of peace and security. The mention of “one law for all people” is a specific call for the Jews of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem to be permitted the same rights of land use and development as Jews living elsewhere in Israel.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Florida Executive Director Joseph Sabag said, “A concerted campaign is being waged against the Jewish state to deny its legitimacy in virtually every aspect of its historical, legal, political, and cultural life. This effort is aimed at undermining the very foundations of Israel‘s existence. We strongly praise Senator Alan Hays and Representative Scott Plakon, and the entire Florida Legislature for their unanimous and forceful assertion of the basic truth that Israel is America’s most reliable and essential ally, and for their important support of Israeli sovereignty and self-defense. The passage of this resolution is both revolutionary and historic in its importance. ” 




“It is imperative to note the particularly important role played by Israel’s Christian friends who joined with the Jewish community to urge the passage of this resolution. The ZOA extends its highest praise to the citizens of Florida and their state government. Florida clearly recognizes that the Land of Israel is the rightful homeland of the Jewish People, and that the enemies who seek Israel’s destruction are also self-avowed enemies of America. We hope that all other states in our country will follow Florida in recognizing that the responsibility of an ally is to be there when needed and not only when it is convenient. We are certain that this resolution is the true bellwether of how the American People wish to see relations with Israel handled. Americans want to see Israel supported by their government rather than pressured and mistreated.”

Senator Alan Hays said, “”I was pleased to sponsor this Resolution supporting our very strong ally, the State of Israel. Israel and her citizens have endured years of hardship, yet they have achieved many important accomplishments that are significant in the daily lives of citizens across the globe.”


Representative Scott Plakon said, “The first vote I cast as a member of the Florida House of Representatives was in favor of a resolution expressing solidarity with Israel. Floridians feel that this is an important time to stand with Israel, and I am proud to sponsor this resolution on their behalf.

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