Two Weeks in Abbas’ P.A: PA Children’s TV Says Israel is “Satan With a Tail,” Death of Terrorist Abu Jihad Commemorated
May 2, 2012


The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to several stunning examples of the continuing hate propaganda and glorification of terrorists within Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah/Palestinian Authority (PA) during the last two weeks. In this two-week period:

  • The PA TV children’s program, ‘The Best Home,’ featured a child reciting a poem which included the following words – “Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail.” In the program,  a young girl on PA TV recited the poem which states, “When I was young I was taught that Arabness is my honor… and that our lands extend from one end to the other, and that our wars were for the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and that our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail…” (PA TV (Fatah), April 7, 2012, translation ‘Israel is “Satan with a tail,” in poem on PA TV for kids,’ in Palestinian Media Watch bulletin,  April 22, 2012).

  • The PA publicly mourned the anniversary of the death of PLO arch-terrorist Khalil Al-Wazir, known as Abu Jihad, who was killed in Tunis by an Israeli counter-terrorism unit in 1988. The PA held events and broadcast TV programs celebrating him and his terror attacks. Abu Jihad’s central role in Palestinian terrorist attacks which claimed the lives of 125 Israeli civilians and soldiers were celebrated as a positive achievement. Six sporting events were also held in his honor. WAFA, the official PA news agency, glorified his killing of Israelis and his attacks on civilian targets in an article that also appeared in the official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida: “Abu Jihad was killed by the Israeli Mossad in Tunisia on April 16, 1988… and was crowned the Prince of the Martyrs of Palestine… Among the military operations planned by Abu Jihad: the explosion at the Zohar reservoir in 1955; the operation to blow up the Israeli National Water Carrier in 1965; the operation at the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv, which killed 10 Israelis, in 1975; the blowing up of a truck bomb in Jerusalem in 1975; the killing of Albert Levi, the senior sapper, and his assistant, in Nablus in 1976; the Dalal Mughrabi operation (i.e., bus hijacking), in which more than 37 Israelis were killed, in 1978; the shelling of the Eilat Port in 1979; the Katyusha fire on the northern settlements [in Israel] in 1981” (WAFA and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2012, translation in ‘PA celebrates Abu Jihad’s terror and killing of civilians,’ Palestinian Media Watch bulletin, May 1, 2012).


An excerpt of a speech delivered by Abu Jihad was broadcast, which included the following: “On one street, for example, we will hold 500 people [hostage]… at any moment, he can blow up everyone; blow up their building, or the whole thing, no matter how many people are there… We want to turn the Tel Aviv day black. We want to turn the Tel Aviv day into destruction, Allah willing. We will turn the Tel Aviv day so it will be remembered in the history of Tel Aviv as black Saturday, black Sunday. Tel Aviv will be closed that whole day with blood and destruction” (PA TV (Fatah), April 16, 2012, translation in ‘PA celebrates Abu Jihad’s terror and killing of civilians,’ Palestinian Media Watch bulletin, May 1, 2012).


Also a 2010 documentary, produced by a Fatah MP, was broadcast, in which the narrator trumpeted the various acts of multiple murder in which Abu Jihad was involved: “The Palestinian revolution was at its peak, and many times Fatah carried out 60 special operations a day. Among the leading operations of the Prince of Martyrs (Abu Jihad): the explosion of the Zohar reservoir in 1955, the explosion of the Israeli National Water Carrier in 1965, the 1975 Savoy Hotel operation in Tel Aviv, in which 10 Israelis were killed, the Dalal Mughrabi operation in 1978, in which more than 37 Israelis were killed, the shelling of the Eilat Port in 1979, and the Dimona Reactor operation in 1988 (bus hijacking and killing of 3 civilians), which was the principle reason for his assassination on April 16, 1988” (PA TV (Fatah), April 16, 2012, translation in translation in ‘PA celebrates Abu Jihad’s terror and killing of civilians,’ Palestinian Media Watch bulletin, May 1, 2012).


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