ZOA Supports Netanyahu Govt. Efforts to Protect Israelis From Violent Elements Among African Refugees
May 25, 2012

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its agreement and support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Government taking steps such as constructing a border security fence to reassert control over the flow of refugees from Eritrea and Sudan entering Israel from Sinai.


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We fully understand the complexity of the issues surrounding the Eritrean and Sudanese refugees that have come to Israel in recent months and the problems that have arisen as a result. 


“We also understand that not all refugees have been genuinely fleeing persecution and that some are economic migrants. Even more seriously, Islamist terrorist groups have seen an opportunity to infiltrate jihadists into Israel by having them disguised as African refugees. This poses new and grave security risks which Israel must address. Inevitably, this means that refugee cases cannot be processed simply and swiftly and that the matter has grown from being a straightforward humanitarian issue into one that is also a complex matter of security and border control.


“Also, Israelis have been subjected to violence and lawlessness that have come with some of these refugees. As with the cases of violence directed against refugees, this is a matter for appropriate action from the police and courts. The Israeli Government has shown that it understands that it must maintain the peace, prevent violence and provide all necessary security for its citizens and refugees.”


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